Blue Eyes

Rob Fowler (ES)
Blue Eyes - Scooter Lee

1Step left foot forward
2-3Sweep right foot round making a half turn to the left
4Cross right foot over left
5Step left foot to left side
6Cross right foot behind left
7Step left foot to left side making a quarter turn left
8-9Sweep right foot round to make a quarter turn left
10Cross right foot over left
11Step left foot to left side
12Cross right foot behind left
13Step left foot to left side making a quarter turn left
14Step right foot diagonally forward to the right
15Move weight over left foot making 1/8 of a turn to the left
16Cross right foot in front of left (return to facing forward)
17Step left foot diagonally forward to the left
18Move weight over right foot making 1/8 of a turn to the right
19Cross left foot in front of right (face flat wall)
20Step right foot to right side
21Cross left foot behind right
22Step right foot to right side making a quarter turn right
23-24Sweep left foot round to make a half turn to the right