Barry & Simon's Waltz
Intermediate/Advanced waltz
Barry Amato (USA) & Simon Ward (AUS)
Hero - Chad Kroeger
Sequence: ABB, ABB, B-(omit counts 1-6. Make sure you make a 1/4 turn right to start section B-), ABB. On each section B (except B-) you restart turning 1/4 left on left foot to start from count 31PART A1-3Cross/step right over left, raise left foot & hitch to right knee, hold4-6Cross/step left over right, ¼ turn left & step on right, step left together beside right 7-12Repeat counts 1-6 13-15Step right to right side, hold, hold16-18Step left, right, left turning a full turn left traveling left (ending up facing original position) 19-21Step right to right side, hold, hold22-24Step ¼ turn left on left foot, continue ½ turn left stepping right next to left, pivoting on ball of right foot turn a ½ turn left stepping forward on leftPART B25-27Step right forward, pivoting ½ turn on ball of right foot to the right lift left foot drawing circle to the right as you turn28-30Rock/step left back, recover forward on right, step left forward Part B- starts here31-33Step right forward, sweep left toe into a ¼ turn right for 2 counts34-36Cross/step left over right, turn ¼ turn left & step right slightly back, turn a further ¼ turn left & step left to left side 37-39Cross/step right over left, sweep left toe around to front for 2 counts40-42Cross/step left over right, turn ¼ turn left & step right slightly back, turn a further ¼ turn left & step left to left side 43-45Cross/step right over left, sweep left toe around to front for 2 counts&Cross/step left over right slightly46-48Step right to right side, slide left towards right, touch left beside right 49-51Step left forward starting to turn a full turn left, compete full turn on left foot dragging right toe&Step down on right52-54Step slightly forward left, right, left 55-57Step right forward starting to turn a full turn right, compete full turn on right foot dragging left toe&Step down on left58-60Step slightly forward right, left, right 61-63Cross/step left over right, step right back at 45 degrees right, step left back at 45 degrees left64-66Cross/step right over left, step left back at 45 degrees left, step right back at 45 degrees right 67-69Step left forward slightly at 45 degrees right, hold, hold&70-72Quick ½ turn left on left foot, point right to right side, hold, holdOPTIONAL ENDING Cross & press ball of right over left, unwind ½ turn left, bring both arms up slowly. This happens on the vocalist is singing "whoa whoa"