Angie's Stars

Bob Jackson
Sticks and Stones - Tracy Lawrence

1-2Stomp right foot in place twice
3-6Right hook
7-8Stomp left foot in place twice
9-12Left hook (on last beat touch left toe back)
13-16Step left foot forward at 45 degrees left, slide right foot behind left and to left of left foot step forward left foot at 45 degrees, scuff right foot through
17-20Step forward right foot at 45 degrees right slide left foot behind right and to right of right foot step forward right foot at 45 degrees right scuff left foot through
21-24Left grapevine (on last beat scuff right foot)
25-28Step right to side, cross left behind right, step right to side turning ¼? turn right, scuff left foot
29-32Step left two hip bumps left, two hips bumps right
33-35Step left back beside right, right foot stomp twice
36-39Swivel heels left, center, right, center.
40-47Step left touch right toe to side, step right in front of left, touch left to side, step left in front of right, touch right to side, step right in front of left, touch left to side.
48-52Step forward left, cross right over left, step back left, step right to side turning ¼ turn right, step left next to right