Fishing Hooks 'n' Dirty Books

Steve Rutter (UK)
Beer Bait and Ammo - Sammy Kershaw

23 Count Intro 
Back Rock, Kick Ball-Touch x2, Step Forward, Pivot ¼ Turn Left. 
1-2 Rock back on right, recover weight forward onto left. 
3&4 Kick right forward, step right beside left (Taking Weight), Touch left toe to left side. 
5&6 Kick left forward, step left beside right (Taking Weight), touch right toe to right side. 
7-8 Step right forward, pivot a quarter turn left. 
Crossing Toe Struts With Finger Clicks. 
9-10 Cross right toe over left, apply right heel to floor and click both fingers towards left side. 
11-12 Cross left toe over right, apply left heel to floor and click both fingers towards right side. 
13-16 Repeat steps 9-12. 
Chasse Right, Back Rock, Chasse Left, Back Rock. 
17&18 Step right-to-right side, close left beside right, step right to right side. 
19-20 Rock back on left, recover weight forward onto right. 
21&22 Step left-to-left side, close right beside left, step left to left side. 
23-24 Rock back on right, recover weight forward onto left. 
Side Step & Touch x2, Chasse Right With ¼ Turn Right, Step Forward, Pivot ½ Turn Right. 
25-26 Step right-to-right side, touch left toe beside right. 
27-28 Step left-to-left side, touch right toe beside left. 
29&30 Step right to right side, close left beside right, make a quarter turn right stepping forward on right. 
31-32 Step forward on left, pivot a half turn right. 
Left Vine, Toe Touch, Close, Cross Rock, Side Step, Toe Touch. 
33-34 Step left-to-left side, cross right behind left. 
35-36 Step left-to-left side, touch right toe across left.& Close right beside left. 
37-38 Cross rock left over right, recover weight back onto right. 
39-40 Step left-to-left side, touch right toe beside left. 
Right Vine, Toe Touch, Close, Cross Rock, Side Step, Toe Touch. 
41-42 Step right to right side, cross left behind right. 
43-44 Step right-to-right side, touch left toe across right & Close left beside right. 
45-46 Cross rock right over left, recover weight back onto left. 
47-48 Step right-to-right side, touch left toe beside right. 
Left Vine, Toe Touch, Kick Ball-Touch, Toe Touches. 
49-50 Step left-to-left side, cross right behind left. 
51-52 Step left-to-left side, touch right toe beside left. 
53&54 Kick right forward, step right beside left (Taking Weight), touch left toe to left side. 
55-56 Touch left toe forward, touch left toe to right side. 
Toe Touches, Weave, ¼ Turn Right, Step Forward, Pivot ½ Turn Right. 
57-58 Touch left toe behind right, touch left toe to left side. 
59-60 Cross left over right, step right to right side. 
61-62 Cross left behind right, make a quarter turn right stepping forward on right. 
63-64 Step forward on left, pivot a half turn right. 
¼ Turn Right, Cross Behind, Side Step, Toe Touch. 
65-66 Make a quarter turn right stepping left to left side, cross right behind left. 
67-68 Step left-to-left side, touch right toe beside left. 
Choreographer?s Note: 
Apply the following twenty-count tag at the end of wall two to keep with the 
phrasing of the music. The first eighteen counts of it is just a mirror image of counts 49-66. 
Right Vine, Toe Touch, Kick Ball-Touch, Toe Touches. 
1-2 Step right to right side, cross left behind right. 
3-4 Step right-to-right side, touch left toe beside right. 
5&6 Kick left forward, step left beside right (Taking Weight), touch right toe to right side. 
7-8 Touch right toe forward, touch right toe to right side. 
Toe Touches, Weave, ¼ Turn Left, Step Forward, Pivot ½ Turn Left. 
9-10 Touch right toe behind left, touch right toe to right side. 
11-12 Cross right over left, step left to left side. 
13-14 Cross right behind left, Make a quarter turn left stepping forward on left. 
15-16 Step forward on right, pivot a half turn left. 
¼ Turn Left, Cross Behind, Side Rock. 
17-18 Make a quarter turn left stepping right-to-right side, cross left behind right. 
19-20 Rock right-to-right side, recover weight onto left