Rockin' Little Christmas

Marie Sørensen (TUR) - November 2007
Rockin' Little Christmas - Carlene Carter

Intro: 24 count

Heel, hook, heel flick right, lockstep forward, right, hold
1-2 Touch right heel fwd, hook right up and across left
3-4 Touch right heel fwd, Flick right back
5-6 Step fwd right, step left behind right
7-8 Step fwd. right, hold

Heel, hook, heel flick left, lockstep forward left, hold
1-2 Touch left heel fwd, hook left up and across right
3-4 Touch left heel fwd, Flick left back
5-6 Step fwd left, step right behind left
7-8 Step fwd. left, hold

Rock forward right, make ½ turn right, hold, lockstep forward left, hold
1-2 Rock fwd. right, recover left
3-4 Make ½ turn back over right shoulder, Step fwd right, hold
6-7 Step fwd left, step right behind left
7-8 Step fwd. left, hold

Toe strut right, left, point, hitch, point, hold right
1-2 Touch right toe fwd, drop heel
3-4 Touch left toe fwd, drop heel
5-6 Point right toe to right side, hitch right across left
7-8 Point right toe to right side, hold

Begin again.

No tags, no restarts
Merry Christmas