
Intermediate (Latin Styling)
Michael Diven (USA) - April 2008
Ain't It Funny - Jennifer Lopez

Music Suggestions: “Ain’t It Funny” by Jennifer Lopez

Step, Together, Side Shuffle, Cross Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Sailor
1-2 Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left foot
3&4 Step left foot to left side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to left side
5-6 Cross rock right over left foot, recover weight back to left foot
7&8 Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot to left side while pivoting ¼ turn right, step right foot forward

Touch, ¼ Turn, Locking Shuffle Back, Step, Touch, Step, Cross, Unwind
1-2 Touch left foot to left side, pivot ¼ turn left while kicking left foot forward
3&4 Step back on left foot, cross right foot over left foot, step back on left foot
&5-6 Step back on right foot, touch left toe forward, step down on left foot
7-8 Cross right foot over left foot, unwind ¾ turn left (weight on right foot)

Rock, Recover, Locking Shuffle Back, Step, Touch, Step. Cross, Unwind
1-2 Rock forward on left foot, recover weight back to right foot
3&4 Step back on left foot, cross right foot over left foot, step back on left foot
&5-6 Step back on right foot, touch left toe forward, step down on left foot
7-8 Cross right foot over left foot, unwind ½ turn left (weight on left foot)

Rock, Recover, Sailor, Turning Sailor, Cross, Unwind
1-2 Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight on left foot
3&4 Step right foot behind left foot, step left foot next to right, step right foot to right side
5&6 Step left foot behind right foot while turning ½ turn left, step right next to left foot, step left foot to left side
7&8 Cross right foot over left foot, unwind ½ turn left (weight on right foot)
