Shooting Doubles

Ethelene Tollison (USA) & Jack Tollison (USA) - April 2008
All My Friends Say - Luke Bryan : (CD: I'll Stay Me)

Start dance on vocals

Or Music: Wild Ride by Kenny Chesney featuring Joe Walsh /CD: Just Who I Am: Poets Pirates

Steps, Toe Touches
1-2 Touch right toe to right, step right beside left (right taking weight)
3-4 Touch left toe to left, step left beside right, (left taking weight)
5-6 Touch right toe to right, step right beside left (right taking weight)
7-8 Touch left toe to left, step left beside right (left taking weight)

Heel, Toe, Heel, 1/4 Turn, Hitch, Walks
1-2 Touch right heel forward, touch right toe back
3-4 Touch right heel forward, hitch right knee while making 1/4 turn left on ball of left
5-8 Walk back right, left, right, touch left beside right

Shuffles, ½ Turn
1&2 Shuffle forward left, right, left
3&4 Shuffle forward right, left, right
5&6 Shuffle forward left, right, left
7-8 Step right forward, turn ½ turn to left (left taking weight)

Lock Steps, Scuffs
1-2 Step right forward, slide left behind right
3-4 Step right forward, scuff left
5-6 Step left forward, slide right behind left
7-8 Step left forward, scuff right

Walks, ½ Turn, Jump
1-4 Walk back right, left, right, left
5-6 Touch right toe behind left, ½ turn right
7-8 Jump forward right, left with clap

Start Over