Jokers To The Right

Peter Metelnick (UK) & Alison Metelnick (UK) - April 2008
Stuck In the Middle With You - Louise : (CD: Changing Faces: The Best Of Louise)

Start 16 counts after heavy beat comes in, on the word ‘don’t

(1-8) Vine R 3, stomp L together, L toes & heel left, R heel & toes together
1-4 Step R side, cross L behind R, step R side, stomp L together (keeping weight on R)
5-6 Turn L toes out to left side, turn L heel out to left side (take weight on L)
7-8 Turn R heel in toward L, turn R toes in towards L (take weight on R - facing 12 o’clock)

(9-16) L toe strut, R cross toe strut, L side shuffle, R rock back & recover
1-4 Touch L toes to left, step L heel down, cross touch R toes over L, step R heel down
5&6 Step L side, step R together, step L side
7-8 Rock R back, recover weight on L (facing 12 o’clock)

(17-24) R fwd. L point side, L cross step, R point side, ¼ R jazz box cross
1-4 Step R forward, point L toes to left, cross step L over R, point R toes to right
5-8 Cross R over L, step L back, turning ¼ right step R side, cross step L over R (3 o’clock)

(25-32) R side, L together, R coaster step, L & R heel touches
1-2 Step R side, step L together
3&4 Step R back, step L together, step forward
5-8 Touch L heel forward, step L together, touch R heel forward, step R heel together (3 o’clock)
Option: Heel switches, left, right, left, right &

(33-40) L side, R together, L fwd shuffle, R & L heel touches
1-2 Step L side, step R together
3&4 Step L forward, step R together, step L forward
5-8 Touch R heel forward, step R together, touch L heel forward, step L together (3 o’clock)
Option: Heel switches right, left, right, left &

(&41-48) R & L apart, hold, R together, L cross step, hold, unwind ½ R (over 2 counts), R rock back & recover
&1-2 Step R apart, step L apart, hold
&3-4 Step R together, cross step L over R. hold
5-6 Unwind ½ turn right over 2 counts (weight ends on L)
7-8 Rock R back, recover weight on L (9 o’clock)