I'm Movin' On

Josie Lim (MY) - October 2008
I'm Movin' On - Rascal Flatts

Long Intro: 8x6 counts (48 counts on vocal)

(1-6) Right Twinkle, Cross, Point, Hold
1,2,3 Cross Right over left, step Left diagonally forward left, bring Right next to left
4,5,6 Cross Left over right, Point Right to right, Hold

(7-12) Right Back Basic Waltz, Back, ½ Right Turn, Forward Step
1,2,3 Step Right back, step Left next to right, step Right in place
4,5,6 Step Left back, Turn ½ right Step forward Right, Step forward on Left (6:00)

(13-18) Weave, Long Side Step, Slide, Touch
1,2,3 Step Right over across L, step Left to left side, step Right behind left
4,5,6 Take a Long step Left to left side, slide Right and touch right next to left

(19-24) Rolling Full Right Turn, Cross Step, Small Sweep-Hitch
1,2,3 Make ¼ turn right step forward on Right, make a ½ turn right step back on left and ¼ turn right step Right to right side .
4,5,6 Cross Left over right turning body to diagonal right, Small sweep Right from back to front, Hitch Right knee up as you rise up onto ball of Left foot and gracefully turn body to diagonal left to start again...