Smooth Cha Cha

Stig Ekström (SWE) - February 2009
Smooth (feat. Rob Thomas) - Santana : (Album: Supernatural)

Start after a 32 count intro on the words ‘a hot one’

Section 1: Rock forward recover, left chassé, rock back recover, right chasse ¼ turn
1-2 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
3&4 Step left to left side, close right next to left, left to left side
5-6 Rock back on right, recover onto left
7&8 Step right to right side, close left next to right, turn ¼ right on right (3 o’clock)

Section 2; Step turn, shuffle forward, rock forward, coaster step
1-2 Step left forward, turn ½ right with weight on right foot (9 o’clock)
3&4 Step left forward, close right behind left, left forward
5-6 Rock forward on right, recover on left
7&8 Step back on right, step left next to right, step forward on right

Section 3: Rock forward, syncopated weave, rock right, ¼ turn sailor step
1-2 Rock forward on left, recover onto right
3&4 Step left behind right, right to right side, cross left over right
5-7 Rock right on right, recover onto left
7&8 Cross right behind left turning ¼ to right, step left to left side, step right in place (12 o’clock)

Section 4: Full turn right, ½ triple turn right, rock back, shuffle forward
1-2 Turn right ½ stepping left back, turn right ½ stepping right forward (12 o’clock)
3&4 Turn right ½ stepping left, right, left (6 o’clock)
5-8 Rock back on right foot, recover onto left
7&8 Step right forward, close left behind right, step right forward

Section 5: Left forward ¼ turn, right to side, sailor step, rock back, right chassé
1-2 Step forward on left while turning ¼ left, step right to right side (3 o’clock)
3&4 Cross left behind right, step right to side, step left in place
5-6 Rock back on right, recover onto left
7&8 Step right to right side, close left next to right, right to right side

Section 6: Brush and hook, shuffle, brush and hook, shuffle
1-2 Brush left forward, hook left across right
3&4 Step left forward, close right behind left, step left forward
5-6 Brush right forward, hook right across left
7&8 Step right forward, close left behind right, step right forward

Section 7: Step turn, full triple turn, rock right, sailor step
1-2 Step left forward, turn ½ right with weight on right foot (9 o’clock)
3&4 Full turn to the right stepping left, right, left (alt. left shuffle forward) (9 o’clock)
5-6 Rock right to the side, recover onto left
7&8 Cross right behind left, step left to left side, step right in place

Section 8: Points, coaster step, points, coaster step
1-2 Point left forward, point left to left side
3&4 Step left back, step right next to left, step left forward
5-6 Point right forward, point right to right side
7&8 Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward

Restart on wall three after section 3