Peppy Toe

Easy Intermediate
Jan Wyllie (AUS) - March 2009
Pepito - Lisa del Bo

32 count intro

Rock Fwd Back, 1/4 Triple Step, Rock Fwd Back, 1/2 Triple Step
1,2 Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R
3&4 Triple step L,R,L while making 1/4 turn left (9 o’clock)
5,6 Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L
7&8 Triple step R,L,R while making 1/2 turn right (3 o’clock)

Rock Fwd Back, 1/4 Triple Step, Rock Fwd Back, 1/2 Triple Step
9,10 Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R
11&12 Triple step L,R,L while making 1/4 turn left (12 0’clock)
13,14 Rock/step fwd on R, Rock back on L
15&16 Triple Step R,L,R while making 1/2 turn right (6 0’clock)

Rock Fwd Back, Lock/step Back, Lock/step Back, Rock Back Fwd
17,18 Rock/step fwd on L, Rock back on R
19&20 Step back on L, Lock/step R over L, Step back on L
21&22 Step back on R, Lock/step L over R, Step back on R
23,24 Rock/step back on L, Rock fwd on R

Walk Fwd, Shuffle Fwd, Stomp Hitch/Flick, Triple Step
25,26 Walk fwd L,R (or full turn fwd stepping LR)
27&28 Shuffle fwd L,R.L
29,30 Stomp R beside L Hitch/Flick R to right
31&32 Triple step R,L,R

Here’s an easy little dance that most people should manage.
It is not country music, but it’s pretty good to dance to all the same
Hope you enjoy it.

Oh, by the way, in case you were wondering…..the name of the dance is
just a play on words from the name of the song, Pepito

See you on the floor sometime…. Jan Web Site: