Over The Top (OTT)

Robert Lindsay (UK), Pat Stott (UK) & Lizzie Stott (UK) - April 2009
Can't Get Over - September

(1-8) Chasse to right, hitch ball change, hitch ball change, chasse to left
1&2 Step right to right, close left to right, step right to right
3&4 Hitch left knee across in front of right, facing right diagonal, step left to left on ball of foot, step in place on right
5&6 repeat steps 3&4
7&8 Step left to left, close right to left, step left to left

(9-16) Hitch ball change, hitch ball change, Cross, bounce heels turning ½ left
1&2 Hitch right knee across in front of left facing left diagonal, step right to right side on ball of foot, step forward on left
3&4 Repeat 1&2
5-8 Cross right over left, gradually unwind ½ left bouncing heels x3

(17-24) Rock back, recover, walk, walk, Kick, ball change, ¼ pivot right
1-2 Rock back on left, recover forward on right
3-4 Step forward on left, step forward on right (option – full turn right, stepping left, right)
5&6 Kick left forward, step on ball of left, step in place on right
7-8 Step forward on left ¼ pivot right transferring weight to right

(25-32) Kick ball change, ¼ pivot, Stomp left, stomp right, hold, clap, clap
1&2 Kick left forward, step on ball of left, step in place on right
3-4 Step forward on left, ¼ pivot right transferring weight to right
5-6 Stomp left to left. Stomp right to right.
7 Hold
&8 clap, clap

(33-40) Heel strut, close, diagonal shuffle, heel strut, close, diagonal shuffle
1& Right heel forward and to right diagonal, lower toe
2 Close left to right heel
3&4 Shuffle forward to right diagonal – right, left, right
5& Left heel forward and to left diagonal, lower toe
6 Close right to left heel
7&8 Shuffle forward and to left diagonal – left, right, left

(41-48) Rock Recover, Coaster Step, Step Pivot, ¾ turn triple heel
1-2 Rock forward on right. Recover weight onto left.
3&4 Step back on right. Step left beside right. Step forward right.
5-6 Step forward on left. Pivot ½ Turn right.
7&8 Turning ¾ turn over right shoulder, triple left, right, left heel.(weight remains on right)

(49-56) &Step, Touch, Coaster Touch, & Step ½ turn, shuffle ½ turn
&1-2 Step left beside right. Step forward right. Touch left forward left.
3&4 Step back on left. Step right beside left. Touch left forward left.
&5-6 Step left beside right. Step forward right. Pivot ½ turn left.
7&8 Turning ½ turn left, triple step right left, right.

(57-64) Step, Touch, Step, Hitch, Step Kick Cross Unwind ½ Turn
1-2 Turning ¼ turn left step left to left. Touch right beside left.
3-4 Step forward on right. Hitch left across right.
5-6 Step back onto left. Kick right forward diagonally right.
7-8 Cross right over in front of left and unwind ½ turn left with weight ending on left.

At the end of walls 2 and 4, keep weight on RIGHT and repeat the last 8 counts and add 4 hip bumps – right, left, right, left!
(57-64) Step, Touch, Step, Hitch, Step Kick Cross Unwind ½ Turn
1-2 Turning ¼ turn left step left to left. Touch right beside left.
3-4 Step forward on right. Hitch left across right.
5-6 Step back onto left. Kick right forward diagonally right.
7-8 Cross right over in front of left and unwind ½ turn left with weight ending on left.

1,2,3,4 Bump right, left, right, left.

At the end of the dance you will be facing the front wall, to do section 2. Finish the dance with a kick out out to pose!!! (Kick right forward. Step out right, step out left.)

Enjoy its funky!!!!!