Beautiful Sunday

Phrased Beginner
Martina Lau (HK) - June 2009
Beautiful Sunday - Daniel Boone

16 Count Intro

Sequence: AAB AA BB B’

Part A
Sec 1: Step, Kick, Back, Touch, Forward Shuffle, Step, Pivot 1/2
12 Step right forward. Kick left forward.
34 Step left back. Touch right toe back.
5&6 Step right forward. Close left beside right. Step right forward.
78 Step left forward. Pivot 1/2 turn right.

Sec 2: Step, Kick, Back, Touch, Forward Shuffle, Step, Pivot 1/2
12 Step left forward. Kick right forward.
34 Step right back. Touch left toe back.
5&6 Step left forward. Close right beside right. Step left forward.
78 Step right forward. Pivot 1/2 turn left.

Sec 3: Step, 1/4 Turn Scuff, Clap (x4)
12 Step right forward. On ball of right make 1/4 turn right, scuff left forward and clap hands.
34 Step left forward. On ball of left make 1/4 turn right, scuff right forward and clap hands.
56 Step right forward. On ball of right make 1/4 turn right, scuff left forward and clap hands.
78 Step left forward. On ball of left make 1/4 turn right, scuff right forward and clap hands.

Sec 4: Jazz Box with Kick (x2)
12 Cross right over left. Step left back.
34 Step right to right side. Kick left forward.
56 Cross left over right. Step right back.
78 Step left to left side. Kick right forward.

Part B
Sec 1: Toe Strut, Roll Shoulder (x3), Step, Pivot 1/4
12 Step forward on right toe. Drop right heel taking weight. (Roll right shoulder back at the same time)
34 Step forward on left toe. Drop left heel taking weight. (Roll left shoulder back at the same time)
56 Step forward on right toe. Drop right heel taking weight. (Roll right shoulder back at the same time)
78 Step left forward. Pivot 1/4 turn right.

Sec 2: Cross Point (x3), Back Rock
12 Cross left over right. Point right to right side.
34 Cross right over left. Point left to left side.
56 Cross left behind right. Point right to right side.
78 Rock back on right. Recover onto left.

Repeat Sections 1 & 2 three more times, making a total of 64 counts for Part B

Part B’: Only 16 counts, Same as Part B except in Section 1 replace Step, Pivot 1/4 with Side Rock
Sec 1: Toe Strut, Roll Shoulder (x3), Step, Side Rock
12 Step forward on right toe. Drop right heel taking weight. (Roll right shoulder back at the same time)
34 Step forward on left toe. Drop left heel taking weight. (Roll left shoulder back at the same time)
56 Step forward on right toe. Drop right heel taking weight. (Roll right shoulder back at the same time)
78 Rock left to side. Recover onto right.

Sec 2: Cross Point (x3), Back Rock
12 Cross left over right. Point right to right side.
34 Cross right over left. Point left to left side.
56 Cross left behind right. Point right to right side.
78 Rock back on right. Recover onto left.