Love Sick

Neville Fitzgerald (UK) & Julie Harris (UK) - April 2011
Lovesick - Emily Osment

Starts On Vocal.. (8 Counts)

Step, 1/2, 1/4, Behind, Side, Rock Step, 1/4.
1-2Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right.
3-4Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left to left side, cross step Right behind Left.
5-6Step Left to Left side, cross rock Right over Left.
7-8Recover on Left, make 1/4 turn to Right stepping forward on Right.

Step, 1/2, Coaster Step, Step, Kick & Step, Step.
1-2Step forward on Left, make 1/2 turn to Left stepping back on Right.
3&4Step back on Left, step Right next to Left, step forward on Left.
5Step forward on Right.
6&7Kick Left forward, step Left next to Right, step forward on Right.
8Step forward on Left.

Rock Step, Coaster Cross, Point, Cross, 1/4, Side.
1-2Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.
3&4Step back on Right, step Left next to Right, cross step Right over Left.
5-6Point Left to Left side, cross step Left over Right.
7-8Make 1/4 turn to Left stepping back on Right, step Left to Left side.

Cross, Side, Behind, Side, Rock Step, Side, Cross.
1-4Cross step Right over Left, step Left to Left side, cross step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side.
5-8Cross rock Right over Left, recover on Left, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.

1/4 Out, Out, In In, Step, Rock Step & Rock Step.
1-2Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Right out to Right side, step Left out to Left side.
&3Step Right in to centre, step Left next to Right.
4Step forward on Right.
5-6&Rock forward on Left, recover on Right, step Left next to Right.
7-8Rock forward on Right, recover on Left.

Back, 1/4, Cross & Cross, Side, Sailor 1/4, Side.
1-2Step back on Right, make 1/4 turn Left stepping Left to Left side.
3&4Cross step Right over Left. step Left to Left side, cross step Right over Left.
5Step Left to Left side.
6&7Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn Right stepping Left next to Right, step forward on Right.
8Make 1/4 turn to Right stepping Left to Left side.

Back Rock, Hitch & Cross, Side Walk, Hitch & Cross.
1-2Rock back on Right, recover on Left.
3&4Hitch Right knee to Right diagonal, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.
5-6Step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right. (travel to side but face slightly into Right corner).
7&8Hitch Right knee to Right diagonal, step Right to Right side, cross step Left over Right.

Side Rock, Behind 1/4 Step, Bump, Bump, Walk, Walk.
1-2Rock to Right side on Right, recover on Left.
3&4Cross step Right behind Left, make 1/4 turn to Left stepping forward on Left, step forward on Right.
5-6Step forward on Left as you bump left hip forward, recover back on Right bumping Right hip back.
7-8Walk forward Left-Right.

Tag: 16 Counts.. End of Wall 5… Facing 6:00
1-4Step forward on Left, cross step Right over Left, make 1/4 turn right stepping back on Left, step Right to side.
5-8Step forward on Left, cross step Right over Left, make 1/4 turn right stepping back on Left, step Right to side.

1-4Step forward on Left, pivot 1/2 turn to Right, step Left next to Right, Hold.
&5Step back & out on Right, step out on Left.
&6Step back & out on Right, step out on Left.
&7Step back & out on Right, step out on Left.
8Stomp Right next to Left.