I Want You

Julia Wetzel (USA) - October 2011
I Want You - Kelly Clarkson : (CD: All I Ever Wanted - 3:30)

Intro: 24 counts from start of music (approx. 10 seconds into track)

[1 – 8] Chasse R, Rock, Recover, Chasse L, Rock, Recover
1&2Step R to R side (1), close L next to R (&), step R to R side (2) 12:00
3-4Rock back on L slightly behind R (3), Recover on R (4) 12:00
5&6Step L to L side (5), close R next to L (&), step L to L side (6) 12:00
7-8Rock back on R slightly behind L (7), Recover on L (8) 12:00

[9 – 16] ½ Turn Toe Strut (2x), Rock , Recover, ¼ Side, Cross
1-2Turn ¼ L step R toe to R side (1), turn ¼ L step R heel down (2) 6:00
3-4Turn ¼ L step L toe to L side (3), turn ¼ L step L heel down (4) (1-4 traveling toward 12:00) 12:00
5-8Rock fw on R (5), recover on L (6), ¼ turn R stepping R to R side (7), cross L over R (8) 3:00

[17 – 24] Kick Ball Cross (2x), Kick Forward, Hitch, Kick Back, Hitch, Cross, Point
1&2Kick R to R diagonal (4:30) (1), step onto ball of R (&), step L slightly cross over R (2) 3:00
3&4Kick R to R diagonal (4:30) (3), step onto ball of R (&), step L slightly cross over R (4) 3:00
5&6&Kick R to R diagonal (4:30) (5), hitch R (&), kick R back to L diagonal (10:30) (6), hitch R (&)
Note: These kicks should be done with the toe pointed, and the hitches are the bounce back actions in the knee from the kicks.
Easier option for (6): Touch R toe next to L 3:00
7-8Cross R over L (7), turn ¼ R point L to L side (8) 6:00

[25 – 32] Cross, Point, Cross Point. Touch, Hitch, Cross, ¼ Back, ¼ Side
1-4Cross L over R (1), point R to R side (2), cross R over L (3), point L to L side (4) 6:00
5&6Touch L toe next to R (5), hitch L knee with L toe pointing down (&), cross L over R (6) 6:00
7-8Turn ¼ L stepping R back (7), turn ¼ L stepping L to L side (8)
(Restart after here during Wall 4 facing 6:00) 12:00

[33 – 40] Toe Strut (2x), Knee In, Knee Out, Cross, ¼ Back
1-4Step R toe fw (1), step R heel down (2), step L toe fw (3), step L heel down (4) 12:00
5-6Touch R toe next to L turn R knee in dipping down slightly (5), rise up and touch R toe to R diagonal turn R knee out (6) 12:00
7-8Cross R over L (7), ¼ turn R stepping back on L 3:00

[41 – 48] Chasse R, Hinge ½ Turn Chasse L, Rock, Recover, ¼ Turn Back, Together
1&2Step R to R side (1), close L next to R (&), step R to R side (2) 3:00
3&4Turn ½ R step L to L side (3), close R next to L (&), step L to L side (4) 9:00
5-6Rock back on R slightly behind L (5), recover on L (6) 9:00
7-8Turn ¼ L step back on R (7), step L next to R (8) 6:00

[49 – 56] Out, Step, Out, Step, In, In, Hip Circle
1-2Roll R knee out stepping R to R side pushing hip to R (1), Step R heel down (2) 6:00
3-4Roll L knee out stepping L to L side pushing hip to L (3), Step L heel down (4) 6:00
5-6Step R toward center (5), step L next to R (6) 6:00
7-8Roll hip counter-clock wise in a circle with weight ending on L on count 8 (7-8) 6:00

[57 – 64] Point, Step, Point, Hold, Step, Point, Step, Point, Step, Point, Hitch
1-2Point R toe across L (1), step R to R side 6:00
3-4Point L toe across R (3), hold (4) 6:00
&5Step L slightly back (&), point R toe across L (5) 6:00
&6Step R slightly back (&), point L toe across R (6) 6:00
&7-8Step L slightly to L side (&), point R toe to R side (7), hitch R (8) 6:00

Tag: At the end of wall 2, repeat the last 16 counts of the dance (counts 49-64) facing 12:00

Restart: On wall 4, restart after 32 counts facing 6:00 (she sings Yah, Yah, Yah,…for the entire 32 counts of wall 4)

Good luck and enjoy!