Owe It All To You

Improver / Intermediate
The Ugly Duckling (UK) - June 2011
I Owe It All to You - John Barrowman

Start after 8 counts

SECTION ONE: Nightclub Basic Right and Left, ½ Turn Back Rock, Step, 2 Runs
1-2&Step right to side, rock left behind right and recover
3-4&Step left to side, rock right behind left and recover
5-6&Step ½ turn back on right, rock back on left and recover
7Step forward left
8&2 runs forward right, left,

SECTION TWO: Step Forward, Left Mambo Step, Right Lock Step Back, Back Rock, ½ Turn, ¼Turn
1Step forward right
2&3Rock forward on left, recover onto right, step back on left
4&5step back on right, lock left over right, step back on right
6&Back rock on left, recover onto right,
7-8½ turn step back onto left, ¼ turn step right to side

SECTION THREE: Cross Rock Side x2, Step, Step Turn Step, Full Turn
1-2&Cross rock left over right and recover, step left to side
3-4&Cross rock right over left and recover, step right to side
5Step forward left
6&7Step forward on right, ½ turn left, step forward onto right
8&½ turn back on left, ½ turn forward on right

SECTION FOUR: Step Forward , 3 Runs Forward, Step, Mambo Step, Coaster Step
1Step forward left
2&33 runs forward, right, left, right
4Step forward left
5&6Rock forward on right, recover onto left, step back on right
7&8Step back on left, together with right, step forward with left

Start Again – Have Fun.

Tag – (end wall 1 and 3)
Step Turn Step x3
1&2Step forward right, ½ turn onto left, step forward right
3&4Step forward left, ½ turn onto right, step forward left

Restart/Tag – (wall 6)
The restart comes after 16 counts. You will find that you will be on the wrong (right) foot.
You need to add in an ‘and’ count, cross your left over your right and start again.
&Cross your left over your right,