I Do, I Do, I Do

Phrased Intermediate
Janet (Zhen Zhen) Ge (CN) - June 2012
I Do, I Do, I Do - Creamy

Dance Sequence: AA / B / C / Tag / A / BB / CC / Tag / BB / C
Intro: 4x8 count (18 Sec)

Part A: 32 counts
[1-8] Prizzy Walk Fwd, Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn L, Prizzy Walk Fwd, Fwd. Pivot 1/2 Turn L
1 2 3 4Cross walk right forward, cross walk left forward, step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn L.
5 6 7 8Cross walk right forward, cross walk left forward, step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn L.

[9-16] Side, Together, Rock, Recover, Cross, Side, Together, Rock, Recover, Cross
1 2 3&4Step right to right, step left next to right, rock right to right, recover on left, cross right over left.
5 6 7&8Step left to left, step right next to left, rock left to left, recover on right, cross left over right.

[17-24] Out, Out, In, In, 1/4 Turn Jazz Box
1 2 3 4Step right forward and to right, step left forward and to left, step right back to center, step left next to right.
5 6 7 8Cross right over left, 1/4 turn R stepping left back, step right to right, jump in with both feet & clap.(3:00)

[25-32] Repeat 17-24 (6:00)

Part B: 32 counts
[1-8] Swivels, Rock, Recover, Cross Shuffle
1 2Touch right toe to right swiveling left heel to right, touch right heel to right swiveling left toe to right.
3 4Touch right toe to right swiveling left heel to right, touch right heel to right swiveling left toe to right.
Easy option: step right beside left & swivel heels, toes, heels, toes slightly to right.
5 6 7 8Rock right to right, recover on left, cross shuffle R, L, R.

[9-16] Repeat 1-8 Mirror Movements

[17-24] Fwd, Touch, Back, Touch, Shimmy R & L
1 2 3 4Step right forward, touch left behind right, step left back, touch right front left.
5&6Shimmy your body towards right.
7&8Shimmy your body towards left.

[25-32] Fwd, 1/2 Turn Touch, Fwd, Touch, Shimmy R & L
1 2 3 4Step right forward, 1/2 turn L touch left front right, step left forward, touch right behind left.
5&6Shimmy your body towards right.
7&8Shimmy your body towards left.

Part C: 32 counts
[1-8] Fwd Diagonal Shuffle, Fwd Diagonal Shuffle, Fwd, Recover, Back, Back,
1&2Forward diagonal R shuffle R, L, R.
3&4Forward diagonal L shuffle L, R, L.
5 6 7 8Step right forward, recover on left, step back R, L.

[9-16] Back Diagonal Shuffle, Back Diagonal Shuffle, Back, Recover, Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn L
1&2Back diagonal R shuffle R., L R.
3&4Back diagonal L shuffle L, R, L..
5 6 7 8Step right back, recover on left, step right forward, pivot 1/2 turn L.

[17-24] Side Shuffle, Back, Recover, Side Shuffle, Back, Recover
1&2 3 4Side shuffle R, L R, step left back, recover on right.
5&6 7 8Side shuffle L, R, L, step right back, recover on left.

[25-32] Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross
1 2 3&4Rock right to right, recover on left, cross right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left.
5 6 7&8Rock left to left, recover on right, cross left behind right, step right to right, cross left over right.

Tag: Unwind 1/2 Turn L
1 2 3 4Cross right over left, unwind 1/2 turn L.

Have Fun!

Contact: linedance@live.cn