Shotgun Girl

Lois Klender (USA) - July 2012
Shotgun Girl - The JaneDear Girls

Start on lyrics: “I’d like to hold my hands up high on a Ferris wheel…"

Walk, Walk, Kick-ball-change, Pivot ¼, Cross Shuffle
1-2Walk forward right, left
3&4Kick-ball change (kick right forward, step on ball on right, step on left)
5-6Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left (taking weight on left)
7&8Cross right over left, step left, cross right over left

Rock-Recover, Coaster Step, Pivot ¼, Cross-Step
1-2Rock left to side, recover right
3&4Left coaster step (step left back, step right beside left, step left forward)
5-6Step right forward, pivot ¼ turn left (taking weight on left)
7&8Cross right over left, step left to side

Heel Jacks, Rocking Chair
1-2Tap right heel forward, step home
3-4Tap left heel forward, step home
5-6Rock right forward, recover left
7-8Rock right back, recover left

Kick-ball-cross, Side-touch, Kick-ball-cross, Side-touch
1&2Kick-ball cross (kick right forward, step on ball of right, cross left over right)
3-4Step right to side, touch left next to right
5&6Kick-ball cross (kick left forward, step on ball of left, cross right over left)
7-8Step left to side, touch right next to right


FACEBOOK: Country Line Dancing with Lois