
Improver / Intermediate
Gillian Pulpher (UK) - October 2012
Gratitude - Mint Condition

32-count intro, start dance on vocals

Section 1: Walks Forward, Anchor Step, Half Pivot, Rock And Cross
1-2Walk forward right, left.
3 & 4Right anchor step, right, left right
5-6Step forward left, half pivot to right, putting weight on right
7 & 8Rock left out to left, replace on right, cross left over right

Section 2: Jump/Kick, Vaudeville With Right Heel
1-2Step (jump) back on right, kick left diagonally to left at same time, recover on left
3 & 4 &Right across left, left in place, tap right heel to right diagonal, replace on right
5-6Left across right, right in place
7 & 8Left sailor step, turning quarter left, left, right, left

Section 3: Slow Diagonal Step Touches Back X 2 (With Attitude!). Step Out Right, Left. Touch And Cross
1-2Step diagonally back on right, touch left next to right
3-4Step diagonally back on left, touch right next to left
5-6Step out right, step out left
7 & 8Touch right toe next to left foot, step down on right, cross left over right

Section 4: Large Step And Drag Right, Left Side-Shuffle. Step Half-Pivot, Kick-Ball Change
1-2Large step to right, drag left to right foot, touch left next to right (keeping weight on right)
3 & 4Left side-shuffle
5-6Step forward right, half-pivot left replacing weight on left foot
7 & 8Right kick-ball change

Start again