Mi Amor

Vera Kuiper (NL) - October 2012
Mi Amor - Javier Molina

Start on vocal

Rumba box, shuffle 1/4 turn right, Pivot 1/2 right.
1RF Step to the side
&LF step next to RF
2RF step forward
3LF step to the side
&RF step next to LF
4LF step backwards
5RF 1/4 turn right step forward
&LF step next to RF
6RF step forward
7LF step forward
&LF + RF 1/2 turn right
8LF step forward

Lock step, Lock step, Extended rocking chair, Shuffle fwd.
1RF step forward
&LF step behind RF
2RF step forward
3LF step forward
&RF step behind LF
4LF step forward
5RF rock forward
&Rock back on LF
6RF rock back
&Rock back on LF
7RF step forward
&LF step next to RF
8RF step forward

Scissor step 2x, Coaster step, Pivot 1/2 turn left.
1LF step to the side
&RF step next to LF
2LF cross over RF
3RF step to the side
&LF step next to RF
4RF cross over LF
5LF step backwards
&RF step next to LF
6LF step forward
7RF step forward
&RF + LF 1/2 turn left
8RF step forward

Chasse, Mambo step, Shuffle, Mambo step 1/4 turn right.
1LF step to the side
&RF step next to Lf
2LF step to the side
3RF rock backwards
&Rock back on LF
4RF step next to LF
5LF step forward
&RF step next to LF
6LF step forward
7RF rock forward
&Rock back on LF
8RF step 1/4 turn right
&LF step to the side

Start again and have fun