Turn Back The Years

Easy Intermediate
Vera Kuiper (NL) - November 2012
Darlin' Lets Turn Back the Years - Mike Denver

Start on vocal

Rumba Box.
1RF step to the side
2LF step next to
3RF step forward
5LF step to the side
6RF step next to LF
7LF step backwards

Weave scuff, Weave 1/4 turn left scuff.
1RF step to the side
2LF cross behind Rf
3RF step to the side
4LF scuff
5LF step to the side
6RF cross behind LF
7LF 1/4 turn left step forward
8RF scuff

Toe strut fwd, Toes trut bwd, Touch, Touch, Touch, Hitch.
1RF step on toe
2RF heel down
3LF step back on toe
4LF heel down
5RF touch toe to the side
6RF touch next to LF
7RF touch toe to the side
8RF hitch

Toe strut fwd, Toe strut 1/4 turn left, Step, Touch back, Step bwd, Step.
1RF step on toe forward
2RF heel down
3LF 1/4 turn left step on toe forward
4LF heel down
5RF step forward
6LF touch behind RF
7LF step backwards
8RF step next to LF

Touch, Touch, Touch, Hitch, Shuffle, Hold
1LF touch to the side
2LF touch next to RF
3LF touch to the side
4LF hitch
5LF step forward
6RF step next to LF
7LF step forward

Weave 1/4 turn right scuff, Pivot 1/2 turn right, Walk, walk.
1RF step to the side
2LF cross behind RF
3RF 1/4 turn right step forward
4LF scuff
5LF step forward
6LF + RF 1/2 turn right
7LF step forward
8RF step forward

Mambo step , Hold, Mambo step, Hold.
1LF rock forward
2Rock back on RF
3LF step backwards
5RF rock backwards
6Rock back on LF
7RF step forward

Shuffle, Hold, Rocking chair.
1LF step forward
2RF step next to LF
3LF step forward
5RF rock forward
6Rock back on LF
7RF rock backwards
8Rock back on LF