Everytime It Rains

Higher Intermediate
Debbie Ellis (ES) - May 2013
Everytime It Rains - Ace of Base : (Album: Singles of the 90's)

Start on Vocals

Night Club Basic, Side, Behind & Cross, Side Rock Cross, ¼ ¼ Cross.
1 - 2&3Step right long step to Right side, Rock back on Left, Recover on Right, step Left to Left side.
4&5Step Right behind Left, step Left to Left side, Cross Right over Left.
6&7Rock Left to Left side, Recover on Right, Cross Left over Right.
&8&Make ¼ turn Left stepping back on Right, make ¼ turn stepping Left to Left side, Cross Right over Left.

Night Club Basic, Night Club Basic, Night Club Basic with ¼ Turn, Step Pivot ½ Turn, Run, Run.
1 - 2&Step Left long step to Left side, Rock back on Right, Recover on Left.
3 - 4&Step Right long step to Right side, Rock back on Left, Recover on Right.
5 - 6&Step Left long step to Left side making a ¼ turn to Right, Rock back on Right, Recover on Left.
7&8&Step Right forward, Pivot ½ turn Left, Run forward, Right, Left.

Press, Recover, Step Back with Sweep, Behind ¼ Turn Step, Prissy Walks, Step ½ Step.
1 - 3Press forward on Right, Recover on Left, Step Right back as you sweep Left around behind Right. ( This step should be dramatic!)
4&5Step Left behind Right, step forward on Right making a ¼ turn Right, step forward on Left. ( This step is the first of 3 prissy walks forward).
6 - 7Walk forward Right, Left. ( Cross over for styling)
8&1Step Right forward, Pivot ½ turn Left, step Right forward.

Full Turn Forward, Mambo With Sweep, Step Back With Sweep, Sailor ¼ Side, Cross.
2&3Step Left back making ½ turn Right, Step Right forward making ½ turn Right, Step Left forward.
4&5Rock Right forward, Recover on Left, step back on Right sweeping Left behind
6Step back on Left sweeping Right behind.
7&8&Step Right behind Left, step Left to side making ¼ turn Right, step Right to Right side, cross Left over Right.

Ready to start dance stepping to Right side on count 1.

Restarts : -
During wall 2 dance up to count 16& then restart.
During walls 5 & 7 dance up to count 23& then start dance by stepping to Right side.
(so the last count of your step 1/2 step becomes count 1 of the dance! )