The Boxer

Harold Grimshaw (UK) - June 2013
The Boxer - Gerry Guthrie : (CD Single)

CW rotation.

Side, Close, Shuffle fwd, Syncopated Rocking Chair, 1/4, 1/2
1-2Step RIGHT to Rt, Close LEFT next to Rt
3&4RIGHT shuffle forward
5&LEFT fwd rock
6&LEFT back rock
7Step back on LEFT (1/4 Rt)
8Step fwd on RIGHT (1/2 Rt) (9)

Side, Close, Shuffle fwd, Syncopated Rocking Chair, Side rock cross
1-2Step LEFT to Left, Close RIGHT next to left
3&4LEFT shuffle forward
5&RIGHT fwd rock
6&RIGHT back rock
7&8Step RIGHT to Rt, Rock weight to LEFT, Cross RIGHT over Lt

Hinge ½ Turn, Cross shuffle, Side Rock, Sailor step
1-2Step LEFT back (1//4 Rt), Step RIGHT side (1/4 Rt) (3)
3-4LEFT Cross shuffle
*RESTART here facing 9 - (3rd wall)
*RESTART here facing 3 - (5th wall)
5-6Step RIGHT to Right, Rock weight to LEFT
7&8Swing RIGHT beh LEFT, Step LEFT to Left, Step RIGHT to Rt

Sailor step, Full Turn fwd, Shuffle fwd, Mambo fwd
1&2Swing LEFT beh Rt, Step RIGHT to Rt, Step LEFT to Lt
3-4Step RIGHT back (1/2 Lt), Step LEFT fwd (1/2Lt)
*TAG here (6) 6th wall 1-2 RIGHT Side, LEFT Tog and RESTART
5&6RIGHT shuffle forward
7&8Step LEFT fwd, Rock weight back RIGHT, Step LEFT tog

Mambo back, Step/Pivot 1/2, Step/Pivot 1/2/Tog
1&2Step RIGHT back, Rock weight fwd LEFT, Step RIGHT tog
3-4Step LEFT fwd, Pivot 1/2 RIGHT (9)
5&6Step LEFT fwd, Pivot 1/2 RIGHT, Step LEFT tog (3)
*TAG here (12) 8th wall 1-2 RIGHT Side, LEFT Tog

SEQ: 38 38 20 restart 38 20 restart 28 tag/restart 38 38 tag 38
