Dancing On The Darling

Gaëtan Favreau (FR) - March 2013
Dancing On The Darling - The Sunny Cowgirls

[1-8] Touch right out in, Right heel hook, Step forward, Left hook, Back, Kick
1-2Touch right side - touch right together
3-4Touch right heel forward - hook right over
5-6Step right forward – hook left behind
7-8Back left – kick right forward

[9-16] Coaster step, Hold, ¼ turn right side rock, Cross, Hold
1-4Coaster step right – hold
5-6¼ turn right, side rock left – recover
7-8Cross left over right – hold

[17-24] ¼ turn L, ¼ turn L, ¼ turn L, Hold, ½ turn R, ½ turn R, ¼ turn R, Hold
1-2¼ turn left, step back right – ¼ turn left, step left side
3-4¼ turn left, step right forward – hold
5-6½ turn, step back left – ½ turn, step right forward
7-8¼ turn, step left side - hold

[25-32] Behind- Side-Cross, Hold, Side rock cross, Hold
1-2Cross right behind – step left to side
3-4Cross right over left – hold
5-6Left side rock – recover
7-8Cross left over right – hold
* Restart : wall 5

[33-40] Side rock cross, Side, Behind, Side, Cross, Side rock, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Cross
1&2Rock side right – recover – cross right over left
&3Step left to side – cross right over left
&4Step left to side – cross right over left
5&6Rock side left – recover – cross left behind
&7Step right to side – cross left over right
&8Step right to side – cross left over right

[41-48] Vine ¼ turn right, L rock recover ½ left turn
1-4Right side – left behind – ¼ turn right and step right forward -hold
5-8Rock left forward – recover – ½ turn left and left forward – hold

[49-56] ½ turn left, Back, Back, Coaster ¼ turn right & cross
1-4½ turn left and back right – hold - back left – hold
5-8back right – step left together – ¼ turn right and cross right over left - hold

[57-64] Side rock cross, Side rock, Recover, ¼ turn left, Step forward
1-4Side rock left – recover to right – cross left over right - hold
5-8Side rock right - recover to left – ¼ turn left and right forward
* Restart wall 2

[65-72] Step lock step forward, Rock, Recover, Back
1-4Step lock step forward left - hold
5-8Rock right forward – recover – step back right - hold

[73-80] ½ turn, ½ turn, Coaster ¼ turn left & cross
1-4½ turn left and left forward – hold - ½ turn left and step back right - hold
5-8Back left – step right together – ¼ turn left and cross left over right – hold

[81-86] Weave right, pivot ¼ turn left
1-4Step right to side – left behind – step right to side - cross left over right
5-6Step right to side – pivot ¼ turn left

Restarts :-
At wall 2, Replace 5-8 Side rock right - recover to left – ¼ turn left and right forward By:-
5-6Step right to side – pivot ¼ turn left

At wall 5, Replace
5-6 Left side rock – recover
7-8 Cross left over right – hold
5-8Step left to side – cross right behind – ¼ turn left and step left forward - hold

Contact: Mail : gaetan-favreau@orange.fr

Last Revision - 29th Aug 2013