But It's Only Make-Believe

High Beginner / Low Improver
Norman Gifford (USA) - September 2013
Only Make Believe - Bouke : (iTunes)

Start after the slow intro plus one pattern of 8 counts. - Music in triplet pattern 4/4 time

(Right step side, behind-side-cross, replace, left step side, cross-side-cross, 3/4 turning step side)
1-2aRight step side; left behind; right step side
3-4Left cross-rock; right replace
5-6aLeft step side; right crossover; left step side
7-8Right crossover; left step side in 3/4 swivel turn right [9:00] ***

(Step forward, syncopated lock-step, sweep forward, sweep back, sweep back-lock-step, sweep behind)
1-2aRight step forward; left step forward; right lock behind left
3-4Left step forward; right sweep forward
5-6aLeft recover back; right sweep back; left lock across right
7-8Right step back; left sweep behind right

(Right step side, left crossover, right replace, sway left-right, repeat previous 4 counts with other foot)
1-2aRight step side; left crossover; right replace
3-4Left step side into sway hips left; sway hips right
5-6aLeft step side; right crossover; left replace
7-8Right step side into sway hips right; sway hips left


*** For those who prefer to not spin, on count 8 turn ΒΌ to the left stepping forward, may be substituted.

Contact: nlgifford@yahoo.com

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