Thunder in The Sky

Improver WCS
Laura Carvill - January 2014
Thunder - Jessie J

Note: Tag after 9th wall

[1-8] Walk back, coaster step, touch, touch, unwind sailor ¾ turn
1-3&41) Walk back on L, 2) Walk back on R, 3) Step back on L, &) Bring R beside L, 4) Step forward on L
5&65) Touch R out to R side, &) Bring R beside L, 6) Touch L out to L side
7&87) Step L foot behind R foot, &) Make a ¼ turn anti-clockwise stepping forward on R foot, 8) Make a ½ turn anti-clockwise stepping forward on L foot

[9-16] Sweep, grapevine, ¼ turn, full turn
1-3&41) Step forward on R foot, 2) Recover weight onto L foot while sweeping R foot clockwise, 3) Step R foot behind L foot, &) Step L foot out to L side, 4) Cross R foot over L foot
5&65) Step L foot out to L side, &) Bring R foot beside L foot, 6) Cross L foot over R
7&87) Step R foot out to R side making a ¼ turn anti-clockwise, &) Make a ½ turn anti-clockwise stepping on L foot, 8) Step forward on R foot

[17-24] Walk forward, ¼ turn, ½ turn, ½ turn
1-3&41) Walk forward on L foot, 2) Walk forward on R foot, 3) Step L foot out to L side while making a ¼ turn clockwise, &) Bring R foot beside L foot placing weight on R foot, 4) Step forward on L foot
5&65) Step R foot to R side, &) Make a ½ turn anti-clockwise stepping on the L foot, 6) Cross R foot over L foot
7&87) Step L foot to L side, &) Make a ½ turn anti-clockwise stepping on the R foot, 8) Cross L foot over R foot

[25-32] Hitch, step to diagonal, hitch, step to diagonal
1-41) Hitch R leg up, 2) Step to the R diagonal with R foot, 3) Hitch L leg up, 4) Step to the L diagonal with L foot
5&6&5) Cross R foot over L foot, &) Step back on L foot, 6) Step R foot out to R side, &) Step forward on L foot
7-87) Sweep R foot anti-clockwise forward, 8) Bring R foot beside L foot switching weight onto R (ready to start going back on L foot)

Tag - 4 counts after wall 9
1-41) Step forward on L make ½ turn anti-clockwise 2) Place weight on R 3) Step forward on L make ½ turn anti-clockwise 4) Place weight on R
