My Little Darling

Tina Chen Sue-Huei (TW) - March 2014
Firecracker - Josh Turner : (Rearranged)

Start dance after 48 Counts - No Tag No Restart

Part I: Stomps Fwd, Toe Fans
1-4Stomp R fwd, swivel R toe to R, swivel R toe to center, swivel R toe to R and step R in place
5-8Stomp L fwd, swivel L toe to L, swivel L toe to center, swivel L toe to L and take weight on L

Part II: Side Steps & ¼ Turn, Side Steps
1-4Side step R, step L beside R, side step R, touch L beside L
5-8Making ¼ turn R, side step L, step R beside L, side step L, touch R beside L (3.00)

Part III: Repeat Steps In Part I

Part IV: Repeat Steps in Part II, ends facing (6.00)

Part V: Charleston Steps
1-4Swing R fwd & touch, swing R behind & step down
5-8Swing L behind & touch, swing L fwd & step down

Part VI. Stomps Fwd & Holds
1-4Stomp R fwd & hold for 3 counts
&5-8Recover R in place, stomp L fwd & hold for 3 counts

Part VII. Rock, Recover, Cross, Hold
1-4Side rock R, recover onto L, cross R over L, hold
5-8Side rock L, recover onto R, cross L over R, hold

Part VIII: Rocking Chair With ¼ Turn
1-4Rock R fwd, recover on L, making ¼ turn R rock back on R, recover on L (9.00)
5-8Rock R fwd, recover on L, rock R back, recover on L

Start dance again!


Last Update - 5th March 2014