Beginner's Waltz

Beginner - waltz
K. Sholes (USA) - March 2014
Rose Colored Glasses - John Conlee : (for slow beginner...any speed for advanced)

Diagonal Step-touch-pauses, Mambo steps
1-3Step R diagonally to right, Touch L next to R, Pause
4-6Step L diagonally to left, Touch R next to L, Pause

1-3Rock forward R, Recover L, Step R next to L.
4-6Rock L back, Recover R, Step L next to R.

Step-touch-pauses (1/4 turn), Vines
1-3Step R 1/4 turn to right, Touch L next to R, Pause.
4-6Step L diagonally to left, Touch R next to L, Pause.

1-3Step R to side, Step L behind R, Step R to side.
4-6Step L to side, Step R behind L, Step L to side.

Forward Steps, Rock-recover-steps
1-3Step forward R, Step forward L, Step forward R.
4-6Step forward L, Step forward R, Step forward L.

1-3Rock R across L, Recover L, Step R to side.
1-6Rock L across R, Recover R, Step L to side.

Back Steps, Rock-recover-steps
1-3Step back R, Step back L, Step back R.
4-6Step back L, Step back R, Step back L.

1-3Rock R across L, Recover L, Step R to side.
4-6Rock L across R, Recover R, Step L to side.

Begin Again! Enjoy!
