When Your Lips Are So Close

Madeleine Jones (UK) - June 2014
When Your Lips Are so Close - Gord Bamford : (CD: Country Junkie)

32 count introduction.. Start on vocals.

Cross, Side, Behind, Sweep turn. Behind side cross hitch.
1-4Step right across left, Step left to left side, Step right behind left, Sweep left turning ¼ left.
5-8Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Step left across right, Hitch right.

Cross, Hitch, Cross, Hitch. Back Right, Left, Right, Left.
1-4Step right across left, Hitch left, Step left across right, Hitch right.
5-8Walk back Right, Left, Right, Left.

Right vine tap left heel, Left vine tap right heel.
1-4Step right to right side, Step left behind right, Step right to right side, Tap left heel diagonally forward.
5-8Step left to left side, Step right behind left, Step left to left side, Tap right heel forward.

Bump hips right twice, Left twice. Right, Left, Right, Left
1-4Taking weight on right bump hips forward twice, Bump hips back twice.
5-8Bump hips Forward, Back, Forward, Back. Ending with weight on left foot.

Start again & enjoy.

Contact - Email :- madeleine-jones@blueyonder.co.uk