Say Something

Advanced - Contemporary waltz
Sae Min (MY) - August 2014
Say Something - A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera

Starts after 36 counts, facing 4:30

Section 1: Step Forward, Sweep; Step Forward, 1/4 Turn Sweep
1Step RF forward (facing 4:30)
2-3Sweep LF from back to front of RF
4Step LF forward
5-61/4 Turn Left Sweep RF from back to front of LF (facing 1:30)

Section 2: Check, Recover, Back; 1/4 Left, Cross, Prep
1-2-3Rock RF across LF, Recover weight on LF, Step RF back
4-5-61/4 Turn Left Stepping LF to L, Cross RF over LF, Hold (prep step) (facing 10:30)

Section 3: 1 1/4 Attitude Right Turn; Back, Back, Point
1-2-3Pressure on RF to make 1 1/4 turn R ending facing 1:30 on same foot (RF)
(Optional: 1/4 turn R Sweeping LF to RF without weight change)
4-5-6Step LF back, Step RF back, Stretch/Point LF (facing 1:30)

Section 4: Step, Kick; Back, 7/8 Left Turn (facing 3:00)
1Step LF forward
2-3Kick RF forward
4Step RF back
5-6Step LF forward towards 9:00, 1/2 Turn Left Stepping RF back towards 9:00

Section 5: 1/4 Turn Left Side and Drag; Point and Side
11/4 Turn Left Stepping LF to L (end facing 12:00)
2-3Drag RF towards LF (without weight change at the end)
4-5-6Point RF to R, Point RF next to LF, Step RF to R

Section 6: 1/4 Right Turn In and Prep; 7/8 Left Turn Recover
1-2-3Bring LF towards RF, Making 1/4 Turn Right, Prep/Hold/Drop (facing 3:00)
4-5-67/8 Turn Left with weight on Ball of LF (ending facing 4:30)
(Optional: Without Bending/Drop at count 3, Make 7/8 Left Turn on LF, RF, LF)

Section 7: Forward, 1/2 Right Turn, Drag Back; Extension, Hold
1-2-3RF forward (facing 4:30), 1/2 Turn Right Stepping LF back towards 4:30, Drag RF to LF
4-5-6Extend RF back towards 4:30

Section 8: 1/2 Right Turn (Recover), 1/4 1/4 Right Turn; Run x 3
11/2 Turn Right Stepping Down on RF (facing 4:30)
21/4 Turn Right Stepping LF forward (facing 7:30)
31/4 Turn Right Stepping RF forward (facing 10:30)
4-5-63 Steps forward LF, RF, LF (towards 10:30)
(ending of which is the beginning of the new wall at 4:30)

With thanks to MIchelle Hong for presenting the dance together with Sae Min.
Thank you to all the International Adjudicators, this choreography won 1st Place for Choreography at Asia Pacific Dance X'plosion (APDX) Championship 2014, Sanctioned by United Country Western Dance Council (UCWDC) and Asia Pacific Linedance Council (APLC).
