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She Sets the City On Fire

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David Ackerman (USA) - November 2016
She Sets the City On Fire - Gavin DeGraw
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Intro: 32 counts

[1-8]: Walk LR, ¼ Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn, ¼ Tap, Hold, Chest Pop
1,2Step L forward, Step R forward
3&4Cross L over R making a ¼ turn left (9:00), Step R to right side, Ross L over R
5,6Step back on L making a ¼ turn left (6:00), Continuing another ¼ turn tap R in front (3:00).
7&8Hold 7, Push rib cage forward for &, Bring it back to neutral for 8 (styling: You can play with these counts by adding arms, add a wink, etc. as long as you are ready for the ball step on &8).

[9-16]: Ball R, Walk R, Walk L, Cross Samba, Cross, ¼ Turn, L Back Lock
&1,2Step ball of L under body, Step R forward, Step L forward
3&4Cross R over L, Step L to left side, Step R to right side
5,6Cross L over R, Make a ¼ turn stepping R back (12:00).
7&8Step L back, Lock R over L, Step L back

[17-24]: Back, ¼ Tap, Full Turn, Side Shuffle, Cross, Side
1,2Step R back, Make a ¼ turn right tapping L to left side (3:00). (Styling: As you step back start rotating your upper body and on count 2 you should look over your right shoulder and snap your fingers of the right hand).
3,4Make a ¼ turn stepping L forward (12:00), Make a ½ turn stepping R back (6:00)
5&6Make a ¼ turn stepping L to left side (3:00), Step R next to L, Step L to left side
7,8Cross R over L, Step L to left side

[25-32]: Sailor ¼ Turn, Shuffle LRL, Step, Point, Kick-Ball-Step
1&2Step R behind L, Make a ¼ turn stepping L to left side (6:00), Step R to right side
3&4Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step R forward
5,6Step R forward, Tap L toe to left side
7&8Kick L forward, Step L next to R using ball of the foot, Step R forward

[33-40]: 4 Walks w/ Clap x2, ¼ Hip Push L, Hip Push R, Hip ¼ Turn, Hook
1,2Step L forward, Step R forward and clap hands
3,4Step L forward, Step R forward and clap hands
(Styling for counts 33-36: Angle your body toward the right diagonal (7:30) so when R steps forward it ends up crossing the L)
5,6Make a ¼ turn right stepping L to left side as you push your hips to the left (9:00), Push hips to the right
7,8Make a ¼ turn right swinging hips back from right to left bringing weight onto L (12:00), Hook R in front of L

[41-48]: Walk RL, Cross Samba, Walk LR, Shuffle ¼ Turn
1,2Step R forward, Step L forward
3&4Cross R over Left, Step L to left side, Make a ⅛ turn right stepping R forward (1:30)
5,6Step L forward, Make a ⅛ turn left stepping R forward (12:00)
7&8Make a ⅛ turn left stepping L forward (10:30), Step R slightly ahead of L, Make a ⅛ turn left stepping L forward (9:00)

[49-56]: Cross, Side, Weave, Side Rock, Recover, Sailor ½
1,2Cross R over L, Step L to left side
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to left side, Cross R over L
5,6Rock L to left side, Recover weight to R
7&8Make a ¼ turn left crossing L behind R (6:00), Make a ¼ turn left stepping R to right side (3:00), Step L to left side

[57-64]: Rock, ¼ Turn, Shuffle, Walk LRLR in ½ Circle
1,2Rock weight R, Make a ¼ turn left recovering weight to L (12:00)
3&4Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5,6,7,8Make a ⅛ turn left stepping L forward (10:30), Make a ⅛ turn left stepping R forward (9:00), Make a ⅛ turn left stepping L forward (7:30), Make a ⅛ turn left stepping R forward (6:00)

Tag: Happens end of wall 2. You will be facing 12:00
[1-4]: Rocking Chair
1,2,3,4Rock L forward, Recover weight R, Rock L back, Recover weight R


ms December 27, 2016
any demo or tutorial video to go with this dance?

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