CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Shape Of You

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Melvin Tan (MY) - June 2017
Shape of You - Ed Sheeran
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Intro 32 counts - Dance Starts on RF

Section 1: Walk Walk, Ball Step, Forward, Hand Styling (Waacking Hand)
1 2Walk Forward on RF,LF,
& 3 4Step Forward on ball of RF, Step LF Forward, Touch RF in front of LF
5 &Touch both hands on shoulder, Roll both hands up beside ears,
6 &Roll both hands down to shoulder, roll both hands down beside hips
7 &Roll both hands up to shoulder, roll both hands up beside ears,
8 &Roll both hands down to shoulder, open both hands to sides

Section 2: (Touch, Step)2x, Kick Ball Touch
1 2Touch RF to Right, Step on RF (weight on R)
3 4Touch LF to Left, Step on LF (change weight to L)
5 & 6Kick RF Forward, Step on RF, Touch LF to L
7 & 8Kick LF Forward, Step on LF, Touch RF to R

Section 3: Rock RF Forward, Recover, Step Back, Jump, (Touch Step Jump)x2
1 2&3 4Rock RF Forward, Recover on LF, Step RF Back, Step LF next to RF, Small Jump
5 & 6Touch RF Forward, Step RF next to LF, Small Jump to R
7 & 8Touch LF Forward, Step LF next to RF, Small Jump to L

Section 4: Step Touch, Vine Left, (Touch Step)x2
1 2Step RF to R, Touch LF beside RF
3 & 4Step LF to L, Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L
5 6Touch RF cross over LF, Step RF to R
7 8Touch LF cross over RF, Step LF to L

Section 5: (Touch, Step) 2x Step, Hook & Hook, Step Behind 1/4L Turn
1 2Touch RF to Right, Step on RF (weight on R)
3 4Touch LF to Left, Step on LF (change weight to L)
& 5 & 6Step on ball on RF(&), Hook LF (5), Touch on LF(&), Hook LF(6)
7 8Step LF to L, Step RF Behind LF,
& 11/4L Turn Step LF Forward, Step RF next to LF(9:00)

Section 6: Back Back Unwind ¾ Turn, Hip Bump to R Twice, Touch Back
2 3Walk Balk on LF,RF, (9:00)
4 5Touch LF behind RF, Unwind 3/4L Turn (12:00)
6 7 8Step RF to R with weight on Right, Hip bump to R, Touch RF behind LF

Section 7: (Sway, Sway, Rolling Vine) 2x
1 2Step RF to R with Sway hip to Right, then Left
3 & 41/4R Turn Step RF Forward, 1/2R Turn Step LF Back, 1/4R Turn Step RF to R
5 6Sway hip to Left, then Right
7 & 81/4L Turn Step LF Forward, 1/2L Turn Step RF Back, 1/4L Turn Step LF to L

Section 8: Star Step ½ Turn, Jazz Box
1 2 3 41/2L Turn with Step/Touch RF to R - 4 times (6:00)
5 6 7 8Cross RF over LF, Step LF Back, Step RF to R, Step LF Forward / Together

Restart & Tag on Wall 5 (facing 12:00)
Dance after 32 counts, do a Tag - hold 2 counts then Restarts the dance



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