CopperKnob Stepsheets

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No Matter What

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Taren Gaia (SA) - July 2019
No Matter What - Calum Scott
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Intro: 8 counts - (1 Restart & 1 Tag)

[1-8] Nightclub Basic (R,L) Sways (R,L) 1/4 Turn Sweep, Cross Side
1-2&Step RF to R Side, Step LF behind RF, Step RF forward on diagonal
3-4&Step LF to L Side, Step RF behind LF, Step LF forward on diagonal
5-6Step RF to R Side swaying to R, transfer weight to LF sway to L
7-8&Recover weight onto RF making a 1/4 R sweeping LF back to front, Step LF over RF, Step RF to R Side
* Tag on wall 5

[9-16] 1/4 Diamond, 1/2 Pivot, 1/2 Turn with Reverse Sweep, Sweep (L,R), Weave
1-2&Step LF back on diagonal (1:30), Step RF back , Step LF to L Side
3-4&Step RF forward on diagonal (11:30), Step LF forward, make 1/2 turn R transferring weight to RF
5-6Making a 1/2 turn R Step LF back sweeping RF front to back, Step RF back sweeping LF front to back
7-8&Step LF back sweeping RF front to back, Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L Side

[17-24] 1/4 Turn Hitch, Full turn, Drop, Recover, Kick, Step Forward
1-2Step RF forward making a 1/4 turn R hitching L knee, Step LF forward (1:30)
3&4Making a full turn L Step RF back, Step LF Forward (1:30) Step RF forward
5-6Bending knees drop body down towards the floor, Recover to standing height weight on RF
7-8&Kick LF forward, Step LF forward (prep body to L on &)

[25-32] Spiral, 1/2 Run around (R,L) Serpente Weave, Walks, (R,L)
1-2&Make a full spiral turn to R releasing RF, Making a 1/2 turn R step RF forward, Step LF forward (9:00)
3-4&Step RF forward sweeping LF over RF, Step LF over RF, Step RF to R Side
5-6&Step LF Back sweeping RF front to back, Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L Side
7-8Step RF forward, Step LF Forward

[33-40] Lunge, Pose Turn, Turning Sweeps x2, Weave, Reverse Hitch, Lunge, Recover
1-2Step RF forward in a lunge, Recover weight onto LF making a full turn L & hitch R knee
3-4Making a 1/2 turn step RF behind releasing LF, Making a 1/4 turn R step LF forward sweeping RF back to front
5&6Step RF over LF, Step LF to L Side, Step RF behind LF hitching L knee facing 11:30
7-8Point LF back in a lunge, Recover weight on RF
Restart on wall 2 facing 6:00 – Replace count 7 with a step back on LF, collect RF to LF on 8 to restart

[41-48] Walks (R,L), Nightclub Basic, 1/2 Turn Sweep, Side Cross, Nightclub Basic
1-2Step LF forward, Step RF forward
3-4&Step LF to L Side, Step RF behind LF, Step LF forward on diagonal
5-6&Making a 1/2 turn L Step RF to R side sweeping LF to L side, Step LF to L side, Step RF over LF
7-8&Step LF to L Side, Step RF behind LF, Step LF forward on diagonal

TAG: Wall 5
1-2&3-4Step LF back, Step RF Back, making 3/4 turn L step LF forward & place RF to LF, hold (until phrase restarts
on word “no” )


Please feel free to use alternate music or slow the music down but do not alter the step sheet without notifying the
choreographer first.

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