CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Improver Samba Style
Nina Skyrud (NOR) - February 2022
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Start the dance at the word «’torbe» after approx. 17 sec
Note: 1 restart, 1 tag: In wall 3 restart after 16 count. After wall 8 repeat count 1–4 and start again.

[1–8] Cha Cha in place right-left, Back, Back-Lock-Back, Together & Spin 1/8 left
1–2&Step R foot to right side (1), Step L foot next to R (2), Step R foot next to L (&)
3–4&Step L foot to left side (3), Step R foot next to L (4), Step L foot next to R (&)
5Step back on R foot (5)
6 & 7Step back on L foot (6), Lock R foot in front of L (&), Step back on L foot (7)
8Step R foot next to L and Spin 1/8 right with legs straight (8)[10:30]

[9–16] Botafogos x2, Cross, Back, Extended Side Shuffle.
1a–2Step R foot diagonally across of L (1), Step L ball to the left side straightening up to 12 o’Clock (a), Recover unto R foot (2)[12:00]
3a–4Step L foot diagonally across of L (3), Step R ball to the left side (a), Recover unto L foot (4)
5,6Step R foot across of L (4), Step back on L foot (5)
7 & 8 &Step R foot to right side (6), Step L next to R (&), Step R foot to right side (7), Step L next to R (&)
** restart here in wall 3

[17–24] Samba Whisks right–left, Syncopated Voltas (not curved!), ¼ Turn right
1a–2Step R foot to the right side (1), Cross L foot behind right (a), Cross R foot over left (2).
3a–4Step L foot to the left side (3), Cross R foot behind L (a), Cross L foot over right (4)
5–6Step R foot to right side (5), Cross L foot over R (6)
7 & 8Step R foot to right side (7), Cross L foot across of R (&), Turn ¼ Turn right stepping R foot forward (8)[3:00]

[25–32] 1/2 Turn right, Dorothy, ¼ Turn left, Hold, Ball change into Side Touches right-left
1–2Step L foot forward (1), Turn ½ Turn right stepping R foot forward (2) [9:00]
3–4 &Step L foot forward (3), Lock R foot behind L (4), Step R foot forward (&)
5–6 &Turn ¼ left stepping R foot to right side (5) [6:00], Hold (6), Step L ball next to R (&)
7 & 8 &Step R foot to right side (7), Touch L ball next to R (&), Step L foot to left side (8), Touch R ball next to L (&)

Tag danced once (after wall 8): Cha Cha in place right – left
1–2&Step R foot to right side (1), Step L foot next to R (2), Step R foot next to L (&)
3–4&Step L foot to left side (3), Step R foot next to L (4), Step L foot next to R (&)


Last Update - 22 Feb 2022

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