CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Adrian Lefebour (AUS) & Jessica Lamb (AUS) - October 2022
Nobody's More Country - Blanco Brown
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#8 count intro from the strong beat of the song

[1-8] Step Fwd, Clap, Step Fwd, Clap, Step Side, Slap Down, Slap Up, Step Together and Clap, Step Fwd, 1/4 pivot, Cross Shuffle
1&2&Step R fwd, Clap hands together, Step L fwd, Clap hands together
3Step R to R side while Slapping both hands down on the side of your thighs,
&4Slap both hands up on the side of your thighs, Step L together and Clap hands
5,6Step R fwd, Pivot turn 1/4 L (9.00)
7&8Step R across L, Step L to L side, Step R across L

[9-16] Step Side, Replace, Sailor, 1/4 turn Sailor, 2 x Heels
1,2Rock L to L, Replace weight back on R
3&4Step L behind R, Step R to R, Replace weight back on L
5&6Step R behind L, Step L together turning 1/4 right (12:00), Step R together
7,8Touch L heel to L 45 degree, lift and Touch L heel to L side

[17-24] Step Behind, Step Side, Step Cross, Step Side, Replace, Step Behind, Step 1/4, Step Fwd, Touch Fwd, Step Back
1&2Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R
3,4Rock R to R, Replace weight back on L
5&6Step R behind L, Step L 1/4 L forward (9:00), Step R forward
7,8Touch L forward, Step L back

[25-32] Coaster step, Step Fwd, 1/2 pivot, Fwd Shuffle, Step Fwd, 1/2 pivot
1&2Step R back, Step L together, Step R forward
3,4Step L forward, Pivot turn 1/2 R (3.00)
5&6Step L forward, Step R together, Step L forward
7,8Step R forward, Pivot turn 1/2 L (9:00)

RESTART: Wall 3 – Dance to count 16, then step L next to R for a & count and restart dance with R facing the 6.00 wall.

ENDING : During the 9th sequence, dance to count 8 - then stomp L to L to finish.

Adrian Lefebour:
Jessica Lamb:

Marchy Susilani October 28, 2022
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