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She's Not You

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William Sevone (UK) - February 2012
She's Not You - Elvis Presley : (many compilations)
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Choreographers note:- Ideally suited for the experience Beginner level dancer.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts with the main vocals.

2x Diagonal Shuffle. Scissor. Back (12:00)
1& 2Diagonal shuffle right stepping; R.L-R
3& 4Diagonal shuffle left stepping: L.R-L.
5 – 6Step right to right side. Step left next to right
7 – 8Cross right over left. Step slightly backward onto left.

2x Kick Ballcross. Side Rock. Recover. 1/2 Side Recover (6:00)
9& 10Kick right forward, step right next to left, cross left over right.
11& 12Kick right forward, step right next to left, cross left over right.
13 – 14Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
15 – 16Turn ½ left & rock right to right side (6). Recover onto left.

1/4 Chasse. 3/4 Chasse. Side. Behind. Side Rock. Recover (6:00).
17& 18Turn ¼ left & step right to right side, step left next to right, step right to right side (3).
19& 20Turn ½ left & step left to left side, step right next to left, turn ¼ left & step forward onto left (6).
21 – 22Step right to right side. Cross left behind right.
23 – 24Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.

Sailor. 1/4 Sailor. Behind. Side. Double Tap (3:00)
25& 26Cross right behind left, step left next to right, step right to right side.
27& 28Cross left behind right, turn 1/8th left & step right next to left, turn 1/8th left & step left to left side.
29 – 30Cross right behind left. Step left to left side.
31 – 32Tap right next to left. Repeat.

DANCE FINISH: Wall 8: to face ‘Home’ wall - include a 1/4 turn LEFT as you recover on Count 16.

Blueroseis May 19, 2012
Great looking dance to nice music.

jeanne May 21, 2012
love it

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