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The Ritz

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Phrased Advanced
William Sevone (UK) - May 2012
Dance sequence:- A-B-A-TAG-C-A(33-64)-A(49-56)-Finale.

Choreographers note:- Though levelled at ‘Advanced’ many experienced Intermediates may find this dance within
their capabilities. For a little pizzazz, try both hands clenched as if holding a horizontal cane – moving arms with body.
There are many remixes of this music by TACO – use any and fade out after TACO sings ‘Puttin On The Ritz 4 times (at approx 2.30 to 2.40)
Dance note.. the Taps within the dance are not fully uniformed to those within the music.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts with vocals

2x Tap-Tap-Heel Lift-1/8th Turn (3:00)
1 – 2upper body leaning left (arms central) – Tap right toe to right side. Repeat.
&3&4lifting left heel – step right foot ball next to left, drop heels, raise heels, drop heels.
5 – 6upper body leaning right (arms central) – Tap left toe to left side. Repeat.
&7&8lifting right heel – step left foot ball next to left, drop heels – whilst turning 1/8th right, raise heels, drop heels – whilst turning 1/8th right.

Repeat Counts 1-8 completing Walls 3-6 and 9 (12:00)
9 – 32Repeat 1-8 three more time to complete a ‘full turn’.

Charleston. Side Touch. Slide Together (12:00)
33 – 34Sweep and touch right forward. Sweep and step backward on right.
35 – 36Sweep and touch left backward. Sweep and step forward onto left.
37 – 38Sweep and touch right forward. Touch right to right side (arms point to right).
39 – 40over two counts – Slide/drag right next to left (moving arms to centre at the same time).

Charleston. Side Touch. Slide Together (12:00)
41 – 42Sweep and touch left forward. Sweep and step backward on left.
43 – 44Sweep and touch right backward. Sweep and step forward onto right.
45 – 46Sweep and touch left forward. Touch left to left side (arms point to left).
47 – 48over two counts – Slide/drag left next to right (moving arms to centre at the same time).

Weave. Diagonal Kick. Weave (12:00)
49 – 52Step right to right side. Cross left behind right. Step right to right side. Step left across right
53Flick kick right to diagonal right (arms pushing diagonally at the same time).
54 – 56Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left.

Weave. Diagonal Kick. Weave (12:00)
57 – 60Step left to left side. Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Step right across left.
61Flick kick left to diagonal left (arms pushing diagonally at the same time).
62 – 64Cross left behind right. Step right to right side. Cross left over right.

AFTER 1ST Section A only (12:00).
1 – 16Repeat Counts 1 – 8 TWICE – but NO 1/4 TURN.
17 – 32Repeat Counts 33 – 48 (Charleston Slide)

1 – 64Repeat all of Section A – Then dance the 4 Count TAG

TAG: 4 count Tag after second Section A
1 – 4Unwind ½ right (weight on right. Turn ¼ right & rock onto left. Recover on right. Turn ¼ right & step left next to right.

..and after the TAG... The ‘Taps’

2 Sets Of: Toe-Toe-Heel-Together-Side-Together (see Count 16 note) (12:00).
1 – 4moving right slightly to right – TAP RIGHT (1)Toe, (&)Toe, (a)Heel, (2)Toe, (&)Toe, (a)Touch right next to left. (3)Touch right to right side. (4)Step right next to right.
5 – 8moving left slightly to left – TAP LEFT (5)Toe, (&)Toe, (a)Heel, (6)Toe, (&)Toe, (a)Touch left next to right. (7) Touch left to left side. (8) Step left next to right.
9 – 16Repeat Counts 1 – 8
On count 16 ‘Touch’ right foot next to left.

Soft Shoe Full Turn. Side-Forward Touch (12:00)
&17Step right backward, turning 1/8th left – place left forward (10.30)
&18Step left backward, turning 1/8th left – place right forward (9:00)
&29Step right backward, turning 1/8th left – place left forward (7.30)
&20Step left backward, turning 1/8th left – place right forward (6:00)
&21Step right backward, turning 1/8th left – place left forward (4.30)
&22Step left backward, turning 1/8th left – place right forward (3:00)
&23Step right backward, turning 1/8th left – place left forward (1.30)
&24Step left backward, turning 1/8th left – place right heel forward (12:00)

4x Tap-Back-Heel. Back-Toe. (12:00)
&a25(&)scuff back/tap right toe next to left, (a)step backward onto right, (25) Tap left heel forward.
&a26(&)scuff back/tap left toe next to left, (a)step backward onto left, (26) Tap right heel forward.
&a27(&)scuff back/tap right toe next to left, (a)step backward onto right, (27) Tapping left heel forward.
&a28(&)scuff back/tap left toe next to left, (a)step backward onto left, (28) Tap right heel forward.
&29step back onto right, touch left toe backward.
Counts 30 to 32 – moving forward
30&leaning forward – Step forward onto left, touch right toe back.
31&leaning forward – Step forward onto right, touch left toe back.
32&leaning forward – Step forward onto left, touch right toe back.

After the ‘Taps’ section, restart the dance from Count 33 (‘Charleston Slides’) of Section A:
Section A
33 – 64Repeat Counts 33 to 64

For the last 14 counts – dance Counts 49 to 56 (‘Weave and Kick’) of Section A:
Section A
49 – 56Repeat Counts 49 to 56
..Then the ‘Finale’ as the music fades
1 – 2Tap right to right side. Repeat tap
&3–4Step right next to left, tap left to left side. Repeat tap.
&5–6Step backward onto left, step right next to left, with knee bent & arms forward – step forward onto left.


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