CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Advanced Beginner
William Sevone (UK) - February 2020
Matchbox (feat. Imelda May) - Mike Sanchez and His Band : (Album: Almost Grown)
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Choreographers note:- Ideal for Beginners moving into the next level for the first time.
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.

Dance starts after 48 count intro on the word ‘Cryin’ (as in ‘guess I’m tired of cryin’.. )

2x Kick Fwd-Kick Diagonal-Sailor (12:00).
1 – 2Kick right forward. Kick right to right diagonal.
3& 4Step right behind left, step left to side, step right to right side.
5 – 6Kick left forward. Kick left to left diagonal.
7& 8Step left behind right, step right to side, step left to left side.

4x Short Diagonal Steps. Grapevine with Diagonal Heel Touch (12:00)
9 – 10*with weight on ball - Step right diagonally forward right. Step left diagonally forward left.
11 – 12*with weight on ball - Step right diagonally forward right. Step left diagonally forward left.
13 – 16*Step right to right side. Cross left behind right. Step right to right side. Flick kick left diagonal left.
*Dance note: Counts 9-12: Steps are short - similar to ‘Prissy Steps’
*Dance note: Counts 13-16: Swivel on balls of feet (rotating hips) – like ‘The Twist’.

Grapevine with Diagonal Heel Touch. 2x Shuffle Backward (12:00)
17 – 20*Step left to left side. Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Flick kick right diagonal right.
21& 22turning upper body slightly right – Shuffle backward stepping R.L-R
23& 24turning upper body slightly left – Shuffle backward stepping L.R-L.
*Dance note: Counts 17-20: Swivel on balls of feet (rotating hips) – like ‘The Twist’.

Walk Backward: R-L. Kick Ball-Forward. Walk Forward: R-L. Fwd Side Jack (12:00)
25 – 26Walk backward: Right-Left.
27& 28Kick right forward, step right next to left, step forward onto left.
29 – 30Walk forward: Right-Left.
&31- 32*Press right to right side, step down onto left. Step forward onto right.
*Dance note: The ‘Jack’ is performed with a very slight hopping or jumping motion on the ‘&’ and 1st count
Option for &31- 32: (31) Rock right to right side, (&) recover onto left, (32) step forward onto right

Walk Forward: R-L. Fwd Side Jack. 2x 1/4 Side Rock-Recover Rock (6:00)
33 – 34Walk forward: Left-Right.
&35- 36*Press left to left side, step down onto right. Step forward onto left.
37 – 38Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (9). Rock recover onto left.
39 – 40Turn ¼ left & rock right to right side (6). Rock recover onto left.
*Dance note: The ‘Jack’ is performed with a very slight hopping or jumping motion on the ‘&’ and 1st count
Option for &35- 36: (35) Rock left to left side, (&) recover onto right, (36) step forward onto left

1/4 Chasse. 3/4 Chasse. Walk: R-L-R. 1/4 Pivot (3:00)
41& 42Turn ¼ left & Chasse right stepping R.L-R (3)
43& 44Turn ½ left & step left to left side (9), step right next to left, turn ¼ left & step forward onto left (6).
45 – 46Walk forward: Right-Left.
47 – 48Step forward Right. Pivot ¼ left (weight on left) (3)

Dance Finish
On Count 28 of Wall 7 the music changes to the ‘Finale’ – complete the section to Count 32 (facing 6:00) then do the following:
1 – 2Walk forward: Left-Right
3 – 4` Pivot ½ left (12). Turn ¼ left & step right to right side (9)
5 – 6Turn ¾ left & step forward onto left. with right knee slightly bent – Stamp forward onto right foot with arms outstretched to either side.

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