Twistin' the Night Away

Karla Carter-Smith (CAN) - September 2014
Twistin' the Night Away - Sam Cooke

Twist together twist, touch, Twist together twist touch
1-4Right foot step right side twist hips to left, left step beside twisting hips back to face front, Right foot step right side twist hips to left, touch left beside twisting hips back to face front
5-8Left foot step left side twist hips to right, right step beside twisting hips back to face front, Left foot step left side twist hips to right, touch right beside twisting hips back to face front

Jump Forward & Clap, Jump Back & Clap
& 9, 10Small jump forward right left, Clap
&11, 12Small jump back right left, Clap

Twist Right, Left, Right, Left
13-16Keeping weight on the balls of your feet twist your heels to the Right, then left, then right, then left ending with weight on Left foot

Kick Ball Change, ¼ twist pivot, ¼ twist pivot
17&18Kick right foot forward, step down on right, step left beside
19, 20Step forward on Right foot twist hips to right turning ¼ left, shift weight to left foot
21, 22Step forward on Right foot twist hips to right turning ¼ left, shift weight to left foot

Shuffle Right, Rock Step
23&24Right foot step to right side, Left foot step beside, Right foot step to Right side
25, 26Rock back on Left foot, Right foot step in place

Shuffle Left, Rock Step
27&28Left foot step to left side, Right foot step beside, Left foot step to Left side
29, 30Rock back on Right foot, Left foot step in place

Kick Ball Change
31&32Kick right foot forward, step down on right, step left beside

Repeat, Have fun!!

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Phone –902-897-9343 - 2382 Camden Rd, Camden NS, B6L 3C4