EZ Cake By The Ocean

Sandy Goodman (USA) - February 2016
Cake by the Ocean - DNCE

Prepared By: Sandy Goodman - Newbury, Ohio
Sequence: 32 - 32- 32- 32- (8ct. Tag), 32 - 32 - 32 - 32 - 32 - (8ct. Tag x2), 32 - 32 - 32

#16 Count intro.

Vine Right, Touch, Vine Left, Touch
1 - 4Step Right side right (1), Step Left behind right (2), Step Right side right (3), Touch Left (4)
5 - 8Step Left side left (5), Step Right behind left (6), Step Left side left (7), Touch Right (8)

Step Back Right, Touch, Step Back Left, Touch, Walk Forward R-L-R, Kick Left
1 - 4Step back Right (1), Touch Left beside right (2), Step back Left (3), Touch Right beside left (4)
5 - 8Walk forward Right (5), Left (6), Right (7), Kick Left forward (8)

Walk Back (x3), Touch, Monterey ¼ Right
1 - 4Walk back Left (1), Right (2), Left (3), Touch Right beside left (4)
5 - 6Point Right side right (5), Turn ¼ right on ball of left- Step down on Right (6)
7 - 8Point Left side left (7), Step Left beside right (8)

Rocking Chair, Jazz Box ¼ Turn Right
1 - 4Rock Right forward (1), Recover on Left (2), Rock Right back (3), Recover on Left (4)
5 - 8Cross Right over left (5), Step Left back (6), Step Right ¼ turn right (7), Cross Left over right (8)
** Tag is done here once after the 4th rotation(12:00). Tag is done here twice after the 9th rotation (6:00).

Begin Again!!!!

Tag: Do this once after the 4th rotation. Do this tag TWICE after the 9th rotation.
Shimmy Right - Twice, Touch Together, Clap, Shimmy Left- Twice, Touch Together, Clap
1 - 2Step Right side right as you Shimmy shoulders - twice (1-2)
3 - 4Touch Left beside right (3), Clap (4)
5 - 6Step Left side left as you Shimmy shoulders - twice (5-6)
7 - 8Touch Right beside left (7), Clap (8)

Contact: (440) 564-8243 - sgoody564@gmail.com - www.b-linedancers.com sgoody564@b-linedancers.com