Makin' Me Imagine

High Beginner
Felicia Harris Jones (USA) - May 2016
What Ya Got On Tonight - Kip Moore

(1-4) Forward Rock Recover ¼ turn, Crossing Shuffle
1&2Rock forward on right, Recover back to left foot, Step right to side making ¼ turn to the right
(3:00 wall-weight on right)
3&4Cross left over right, Step right to side, Cross left over right
(Higher option 3&4 – make a full turn traveling to the right side end with left crossed over right)

(5-8) Hip Bumps x2
5&6Step right foot to the side as you bump the right hip to right twice
7&8Transfer weight back to left as you bump the left hip to the left twice

(9-12) Back Rock Recover, Step Side, Back Rock Recover, Step Back ¼ turn, Hook
1&2Rock right behind left, Recover forward to left, Step right to side
3&4Rock left behind right, Recover forward to right, Step back on left while making ¼ turn to the right (6:00 wall- weight sits back on the left)
*For ease of transition to next sequence hook the right foot in front of the left leg

(13-16) Step Lock Step, Rumba Box
5&6Step forward on right, Lock left foot behind right, Step forward on right
7&8Step left to the left side, Step right next to left, Step forward on left


Repeat! - No Tags or Restarts!

Contact: Felicia