Bears On My Way

Sofie Olsson (SWE) - January 2017
On My Way - Phil Collins : (from Brother Bear)

Intro: 32 counts, start with the song - No Tags Or Restarts

Section 1: Cross Sweep x2, Walk forward x4
1-2Cross right foot over left foot. Sweep left foot from back to front.
3-4Cross left foot over right foot. Sweep right foot from back to front.
5-8Walk forward right, left, right, left

Section 2: Grapevine Right, Touch, Grapevine Left, Touch
1-2Step right to right. Cross left behind right.
3-4Step right to right. Touch left beside right
5-6Step left to left. Cross right behind left.
7-8Step left to left. Touch right beside left.

Section 3: Rock Recover, Coaster Step, Shuffle Forward x2
1-2Step right foot forward. Recover weight onto left foot
3&4Step right foot back. Step left foot next to right foot. Step right foot forward.
5&6Step left foot forward. Step right foot next to left foot. Step left foot forward
7&8Step right foot forward. Step left foot next to right foot. Step right foot forward

Section 4: Step, Kick, Recover, ¼ Pivot turn x2
1-2Step left foot forward. Kick forward with right foot.
3-4Step right foot behind left. Recover on left foot.
5-6Step right foot forward. Pivot ¼ left
7-8Step right foot forward. Pivot ¼ left
