Stop and Drink

Rick Todd (USA) - September 2017
Stop and Drink - George Strait

Shuffle Forward and Rock, Shuffle Back and Rock
1&2Shuffle forward right, left, right
3-4Rock forward on left, recover right
5&6Shuffle back left, right, left
7-8Rock back on right, recover left

Rock to right side & cross shuffle, Rock to left side & cross shuffle
1-2Rock to right side, recover on left
3&4Cross right over left & shuffle right left right
5-6Rock to left side, recover to right
7&8Cross left over right & shuffle left right left

Two count vine to right, shuffle in place, Two count vine to left, shuffle in place
1-2Step right to right side, step left behind right
3&4Shuffle in place right left right
5-6Step left to left side, step right behind left
7&8Shuffle in place left right left

Three ¼ turns left, right kick ball change
1-2Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left, putting weight on left
3-4Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left, putting weight on left
5-6Step forward on right, pivot ¼ turn left, putting weight on left
7&8Kick right forward, step on ball of right, step on left

Repeat dance…

Rick Todd / E-mail /