Come On And Walk With Me

Vikki Morris (UK) - February 2018
Walk With Me, Talk With Me, Darling - Four Tops : (iTunes, amazon)

Start 32 counts (on the word “walk”)

S1: Walk Forward R L,R Clap Hands x2, L Rock Recover R, L Coaster Step
1 2Walk forward Right, Walk forward Left
3&4Walk forward Right, Clap hands twice
5 6Rock forward Left, Recover on Right
7&8Step back Left, Step Right next to Left, Step forward Left

S2: ¼ Pivot L, R Cross Shuffle, Extended L Vine
1 2Step forward Right, Pivot ¼ turn Left (9 0 clock)
3&4Cross Right over Left, Step Left to Left side, Cross Right over Left
5 6Step Left to Left side, Cross Right behind Left
7 8Step Left to Left side, Cross Right over Left

S3: Rock L, Recover R, L Cross Shuffle, Vine ¼ R, Brush Left
1 2Rock Left to Left side, Recover on Right
3&4Cross Left over Right, Step Right to Right side, Cross Left over Right
5 6Step Right to Right side, Cross Left behind Right
7 8Turn ¼ turn R stepping forward on Right, Brush Left forward (12 0 clock)

S4: L Shuffle, Pivot ¼ L, Cross R Toe Strut, Cross L Toe Strut (with finger clicks)
1&2Step forward Left, Step Right next to Left, Step forward Left
3 4Step forward Right, Pivot ¼ L (9 0 clock)
5 6Cross Right toe across Left, Slap heel down as you click fingers
7 8Cross Left toe across Right, Slap heel down as you click fingers
