
Heather Barton (SCO) - April 2018
Guilty - The Shires : (iTunes)

Restart after 16 counts on wall 3

Intro 16 counts on vocals

Right Mambo Forward, Out Out Cross Side, Back Rock ¼, Step ¾ Right Chasse
1&2Rock forward on Right, recover on Left, step back on Right
&3&4Step Left out, step Right out, cross Left over Right, step Right to right
5&6Back rock on Left, recover to Right, ¼ turn left stepping forward on Left
7&8&1Step Right forward, ¾ turn left, step Right to right, step Left next to Right, step Right to right

Back Rock Side, Back Rock, Right Rumba Forward, And Walk, Walk
2&3Back rock on Left, recover, step Left to left
4&Back rock on Right, recover
5&6Step Right to right, step Left next to right, step Right forward
&7-8Step on Left, walk forward Right, Left*** Restart here wall 3

Monterey ¼ Right, Heel And Heel, Cross And Heel, Cross Shuffle
1&2&Point Right to right, ¼ turn right stepping Right next to Left, point Left to left, step left next to Right
3&4&Dig Right heel forward, step Right next to Left, dig Left heel forward, step Left next to Right
5&6&Cross Right over Left, step Left to left side, dig Right heel forward, step Right next to left
7&8Cross Left over Right, step Right to right, cross Left over Right

½ Turn Left, Cross Rock, Side Rock, Sailor, Sailor 1/4
1-2¼ turn left, stepping Right to right, ¼ turn Left stepping Left to left
3&4&Cross rock Right over Left, recover to left, rock Right to right, recover to left
5&6Step Right behind Left, step Left to left, step Right to right
7&8Step Left behind Right, ¼ turn left stepping Right to right, step Left to left

Start Again..

Thank you to Rachel for asking me to write to this fab track….