One Kiss

Lesley Miller (UK) - May 2018
One Kiss - Calvin Harris & Dua Lipa

Start on vocals at 22 seconds

Section 1: Step lock shuffle to R corner & L corner
1 2 3 & 4Step RF to R corner, tuck LF behind RF (optional knee R pop) Step RF to R corner, step LF beside RF, step RF to R corner
5 6 7 & 8Step LF to L corner, tuck RF behind LF (optional knee L pop) step LF to L corner, step RF beside LF, step LF to L corner

Section 2: Point x2, Sailor step, rock replace shuffle
1 2 3 & 4Point RF to L corner, Point RF to R corner, step RF behind LF, step LF to L side, replace RF
5 6 7 & 8Rock LF back, replace RF, step LF to L side, step RF to LF, step LF ¼ to L

Section 3: Step RF ½ turn L, ¼ turn L, Chasse to R, rock replace shuffle
1 2 3 & 4Step RF forward ½ turn L, ¼ L step RF to R side, step LF to RF, step RF to R side
5 6 7 & 8Rock LF back, replace RF, step LF to L side, step RF to LF, step LF ¼ to L

Section 4: Step RF ½ turn L, ¼ turn L, Chasse to R, rock replace step, rock replace tap
1 2 3 & 4Step RF forward ½ turn L, ¼ L step RF to R side, step LF to RF, step RF to R side
5 & 6 7 & 8Rock LF back, replace RF, step LF to L, rock RF back, replace LF, tap RF to L

Section 5: Tap RF twice, kick ball change, step rock step twice R,L
1 2 3 & 4Tap RF in place twice, kick RF, rock back RF, step forward LF
5 & 6 7 & 8Step RF to R (optional flick before step), rock back LF, replace RF, Step LF to L
(optional flick before step), rock back RF, replace LF

Section 6: Repeat Section 5

Section 7: Step out, out, coaster step, Step out, out, coaster step (3)
1 2 3 & 4Step RF out to R corner, Step LF out to L corner, turn 1/8 to R, step back on RF, step LF to RF, step to R corner with RF
5 6 7 & 8Step LF out to L corner, Step RF out to R corner, turn 1/8 to R, step back on LF, step RF to LF, step to LF forward (3)

Section 8: Step x2, shuffle, Step x2, shuffle, “taking a semicircle to R” (9)
1 2 3 &4Step RF, Step LF, step RF forward, step LF to RF, step RF forward
(optional, run, run, outward knee roll on shuffle)
5 6 7 & 8Step LF, Step RF, step LF forward, step RF to LF, step LF forward
(optional, run, run, outward knee roll on shuffle)

Last Update - 14th May 2018