Stand Up For Each Other

High Intermediate waltz
Anna Oldberg (SWE) - October 2018
Stand Up for Something (feat. Common) - Andra Day

Intro: 12 counts

(1) 1 – 6 Left lunge, Full turn right 12:00
1, 2, 3Lf lunge left (1), hold (2), hold (3)
4, 5, 6Recover on Rf full turn right (4, 5, 6)

(2) 1 - 6 Vine, Cross rock, Recover, ¼ right 3:00
1, 2, 3Step Lf to left side (1), step Rf behind Lf (2), step Lf to left side (3)
4, 5, 6Cross rock Rf over Lf (4), recover on Lf (5), turn ¼ right stepping forward on Rf (6)

(3) 1 – 6 Lf forward with sweep, Rf forward with sweep* 3:00
1, 2, 3Step Lf forward (1), sweep Rf forward for 2 counts (2, 3)
4, 5, 6Step Rf forward (4), sweep Lf forward for 2 counts (5, 6)

(4) 1 - 6 Full chase right with Rf sweep, Sailor 3/8 right 7:30
1, 2, 3Step forward on Lf (1), pivot ½ right stepping slightly forward on Rf (2), turn another ½ right stepping slightly back on Lf and sweeping Rf from front to back (3)
Easier option for counts 1, 2, 3: Rock forward on Lf (1), recover on Rf (2), step slightly back on Lf while sweeping Rf from front to back (3)
4, 5, 6Step Rf behind Lf starting to turn right (4), step Lf slightly to the left side completing the 3/8 turn (5), step slightly forward on Rf (6)

(5) 1 - 6 Lf forward, ½ left, Lf back, Rf back, ½ left, Rf forward* 7:30
1, 2, 3Step Lf forward (1), turn ½ left stepping slightly back on Rf (2), step slightly back on Lf (3)
4, 5, 6Step Rf back (4), turn ½ left stepping slightly forward on Lf (5), step slightly forward on Rf (6)*

(6) 1 – 6 Lf forward lunge, 1 ½ right 1:30
1, 2, 3Lf lunge forward prepping upper body to the left (Lf slightly across Rf), with right arm stretched forward, and left arm stretched back (1, 2, 3)
4, 5, 6Turn ½ right stepping slightly forward on Rf (4), turn ½ right stepping back on Lf (5), turn ½ right stepping slightly forward on Rf (6)
Easier option for counts 4, 5, 6: turn ½ right stepping slightly forward on Rf (4), step Lf forward (5), step Rf forward (6)

(7) 1 - 6 Left twinkle 1/8 left, Right twinkle ¾ 9:00
1, 2, 3Cross Lf over Rf (1), step Rf next to Lf (2), turn 1/8 left stepping down on Lf (3)
4, 5, 6** Cross Rf over Lf (4), turn ¼ right stepping slightly back on Lf (5), turn ½ right stepping slightly forward on Rf (6)**

Tag: After walls 4 and 10 (facing 12 o’clock) there is a 6 count tag. Do the following:
Tag Check step, Recover, Side, Check step, Recover, Side
1, 2, 3Check Lf over Rf (1), recover on Rf (2), step Lf slightly to left side (3)
4, 5, 6Check Rf over Lf (4), recover on Lf (5), step Rf slightly to right side(6)

* Restart: On wall 2 and 6 after count 30 (facing 4:30). Turn 1/8 right to start facing 6. On wall 9 after count 18 (facing 3 o´clock)
**Add a sweep from back to front with Lf before the tag, to simplify the cross check step

Ending: On the last wall (13), dance up until count 30 (you will be facing 1:30), then on count 31, turn 1/8 left but still do the lunge forward with Lf, a little across Rf.