Beer Money

Heather Barton (SCO) - November 2019
Beer Money - Kip Moore : (iTunes)

Intro: 32 counts

Section 1 [1-8] Side Close, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Recover, Shuffle ½ L
1–2Step R to side, Close L to R
3&4Shuffle fwd stepping R,L,R
5-6Rock fwd on L, Recover on R
7&8Shuffle ½ turn L stepping L,R,L (6:00)

Section 2 [9-16] 2 Walks Fwd, Shuffle Fwd, Rock Recover, Coaster Cross
1-2Walk R fwd, Walk L fwd
3&4Shuffle fwd stepping R,L,R
5-6Rock fwd on L, Recover on R
7&8Step back L, Close R to L, Cross L over R
*Restart here - Wall 3, Facing 12:00

Section 3 [17-24] Side Rock Recover, Ball Side Brush, Jazz box ¼ R, Touch
1-2Rock R to side, Recover on L
&3-4Close R to L, Step L to side, Brush R fwd
5-6Cross R over L, Step back on L
7-8¼ R stepping R to side, Touch L beside R (9:00)

Section 4 [25-32] Side Chasse, Back Rock Recover, Side Behind, Chasse ¼ R
1&2Step L to side, Close R to L, Step L to side
3-4Back rock R, Recover on L
5-6Step R to side, Cross step L behind R
7&8Step R to side, Close L to R, ¼ R step R fwd (12:00)

Section 5 [33-40] Step ¼ Pivot R, Cross Shuffle, Monterey ½ R, Rock & Cross
1-2Step L fwd, Pivot ¼ turn R (3:00)
3&4Cross L over R, Step R to side, Cross L over R
5-6Touch R to side, ½ R on ball of L closing R to L (9:00)
7&8Rock L to side, Recover on R, Cross L over R
*Restart here – Wall 6, Facing 3:00

Section 6 [41-48] Step Back, Step Side, Shuffle Fwd, Fwd Rock Recover, ¼ L Side Step, Tap
1-2Step R back, Step L to side
3&4Shuffle fwd stepping R,L,R
5-6Rock fwd on L, Recover on R
7-8¼ L stepping L to side, Tap R next to L (6:00)

Section 7 [49-56] Figure Of Eight Weave (Full Turn Travelling R)
1-2Step R to side, Step L behind R
3-4¼ R step R fwd, Step fwd on L
5-6Turn ½ R, Turn ¼ R Stepping L to side
7-8Step R behind L, Step L to side (6:00)

Section 8 [57-64] Cross Back, Ball Cross, Step Side, Back Rock Recover, ¼ L Step Fwd Touch
1-2Cross R over L, Step back on L
&3-4Step R to side, Cross step L over R, Step R to side
5-6Back Rock on L, Recover on R
7-8¼ Turn L stepping fwd on L, Touch R next to L

Wall 3: Restart after Section 2 (16 Counts) Facing 12 :00
Wall 6: Restart after Section 5 (40 Counts) Facing 3:00
