Selamat Bobo

Juli Santoso Pikir (INA) & Hadi Wahyudi (INA) - February 2020
Selamat Bobo by Itang Yunaz

S-1. Cross over-in place-coaster step, swipe cross over-side-behind-side
1 2diagonal L : step R cross over L (1) - L recover (2) -
3&4R back (3) - L in place (&) - R forward (4)
5678swipe, step L cross over R (5) - R side (6) - L behind (7) - R side (8)

S-2. Cross over-in place-coaster step, swipe cross over-side-behind-side
1 2diagonal R : step L cross over R (1) - R recover (2) -
3&4L back (3) - R in place (&) - L forward (4)
5678swipe, step L cross over R (5) - R side (6) - L behind (7) - R side (8)

S-3. Rolling R-over body wieght-cross over-close
1 2step R side (1) - ½ turn R, L side (2)
3 4½ turn R, R side body wieght to R (3) - L in place (touch) (4)
5 6step L over body wieght to L (5) - R in place (touch) (6)
7 8step R cross over L (7) - L close beside R (8)

S-4. Forward-arabasque-coaster step, forward-turn in place-cross over-side
1 2step R forward (1) - L leg up back (2) -
3 4step L backward (3) - R close beside L (&) - L forward (4)
5 6step R forward (5) - ¼ turn L, L in place (6) -
7 8step R cross over L (7) - L side (8)

Restart : wall 4, 7 and 8 after 8 counts
Count of 7 and 8 : - L in place (7) - R close (touch) (8)