Since We Broke Up

Elaine Montgomery (AUS) - July 2020
Love Songs - Daryl Braithwaite : (Single)

Quick Intro: 2 Beats - Starts on the word End.

[1 – 8] Side, Behind, Shuffle across, Side Drag, ¼ Ball Change Forward, Forward
1 2&3&4Step right to side, step left behind right, right side, shuffle across left right left
5,6&Step right to right side, drag left and ¼ turn step left
7,8Walk Right, Walk Left

[9 – 16] Scuff Hitch ½ Turn Left, Step Back, Shuffle Half Turn Left, Rock Recover 3/4 Turn Right
1&2,Scuff and Hitch the Right, ½ turn Left, Stepping back on Right
3&4Shuffle ½ turn Left, Right, Left
5,6,7,8Rock forward Right, Recover Left, ½ Turn Right step Right, ¼ Turn Right stepping Left
Restart Here on Wall 8

[17 – 24] Sailor 1/2 Turn Right, Step Left 1/4 Right, Forward Left 3/4 Turn Left Side Close Side
1&2Step Right behind Left, ¼ turn Right stepping on Left, ¼ Right stepping forward Right
3,4Step forward left, ¼ turn Right, taking weight on Right
5,6,7&8Step forward left, ½ turn Left stepping back on Right ¼ Left side shuffle Left, Right, Left

[25 – 32] Vaudeville Right, Vaudeville Left, Walk Right, Walk Left, Out, Out Ball Cross
1&2&Cross Right over Left, step back on Left, Right heel forward and Close Right beside Left
3&4&Cross Left over Right, step back on Right, Left heel forward and Close Left beside Right
5,6,7,8Walk Right, Walk Left, Step out Right, Step out Left, Close Right, Cross Left.

SHORT WALL: Restart on wall 8 after 16 counts facing 12

ENDING: SECTION 4, 5,6,7,8 Walk ½ turn over right shoulder to the front.

Have Fun Enjoy!

Contact Elaine : - Mobile: 07885819970